Police Officer
I like the theory that this is a plot to bring Grissom back. Perhaps this whole thing was a conspiracy theory, like New Coke and Coke Classic: Peterson wanted to take a break from the show, do some theatre, blah blah blah, but didn't want to sever all ties with CSI. He's still executive producer and apparently drops by every now and again. TPTB hire a replacement, an A-list actor whom everyone would like (or so they wished). Then they slowly cast doubt over the actor. In the end, it's revealed he is a serial killer and Grissom comes back to help.
Biggest clue for my theory: The return of Sara Sidle. It would be incredibly difficult to maintain a plausible excuse of why Sara's here and Grissom's over there. Slow build-up to the actual return.
Biggest surprise that could come from this theory: The discovery of the body of Riley Adams. She never really liked Langston. She didn't actually leave the lab. Langston killed her and sent in a fake exit interview. Or something.
Too much? Maybe. Would make a great fanfic though.
New Coke: Langston
Coke Classic: Grissom
Bring back the Classic!
Can I just tell you that is THE coolest theory I have read so far, and I have never wished that I had fanfiction writing talent so badly before right now! Love it