Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

dean Winters :D :D :D...
Oh yes, I've forgotten.. he already was in CSI: Miami!
This actor is sssooooo great!

evil Ryan O'Reilly from Oz! Or Irish-cop-brother in Rescue me! :rolleyes: :devil:
man i never even heard of half of the people yall mentioned...
i'd like to see more musicians... Stevie wonder as one of the suspects... that would be interesting...
Also - if the guy from Blind JUstice would help them solve a case. Talk about mystery
Although I doubt it would ever happen, I would love to see Chris Meloni from Law and Order: SVU show up on CSI. But I would die from the hottness between him and Billy Petersen... ;) I also would like to see Alan Rickman, Kevin Spacey, and Sharon Lawrence. She guest starred in an episode of SVU and she was fantastic!
You know how Shia LeBouf is in this golf movie now - and he was once Louis Stevens on the disney show Even Stevens... well he would be good for a role in CSI now that hes matured. I picture him to be related to Sara somehow in one of the eps - like a half brother she never knew until this ep...
CSInut your sig is hilarious - what ep is that from??
Bill O'Reilly, from fox news, maybe as a newsmen trying to get the story on a major case, goes head to head with Ecklie and Grissom, while frustrating the rest of the cops and team. :D
Tim McGraw's gotten into acting. I would love to see him on CSI!!! Tim and Faith could play some couple on the show.

Yes! Keith Urban would look so nice in the morgue

Oh yeah! He'd look even better alive!! Keith on CSI...I could see it. Maybe something along the lines of his "Raining on Sunday" video ;)
Well, Jennifer Garner is great, but she'd ruin the CSI mood.. If you know what I mean...
No I'd like to see Alan Rickman or Emma Thompson making an appearense :D
Roka4csi, actually Sara has a brother- in an episode in season 2 she said when she was young she found his pot under his bed and he was grounded for a month or something like that...so your idea might work.

Oh Toni Collette! from the Sixth Sense! Yeah she would be so good in an episode.
I'd like to see Michelle Phillips as Greg's mother...that is, if has one. Not sure is his parents are living since he's only ever mentioned his grandfather, Papa Olaf.
Maybe he had Greg late in life?

No, because Greg talks about Papa Olaf in the present tense, so his grandfather is still living. Also, he mentioned that Papa Olaf was "Bruce Willis bald" by age 16 and that he was glad the bald gene comes from his mother's side...which I took to mean that Papa Olaf is his father's father. So if Alan Alda plays Greg's father, who'd be old enough to be his father (Papa Olaf)?

But I could see Alda playing Papa Olaf--Greg talks a lot about him, so I think they're close and perhaps even a lot alike.