Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

Tim McGraw's gotten into acting. I would love to see him on CSI!!! Tim and Faith could play some couple on the show.

Mmmmmmm, Tim McGraw and George Eads in the same ep.... :)

I'd like to see Josh Holloway reprise his role as Kenny Richman (I think that was his name), the valet that Nick blabbed to in "Assume Nothing."
I would LOVE to see Nicole Kidman. It'd be so cool to see her on CSI.
I think it would be cool to have maybe Lucy Lawless too.
What about Jennifer Garner? She'd be brilliant as a temporary investigator or something!
You know what- I really wanted Jack Glugman to guest-star since he did Quincy which is a bit of a pre-cursor to the show because it dealt with forensics- but I told someone that and they said Glugman is in really bad health, but it would be a nice tip of the hat to him, I think.

I think that would be a great idea. Especially since the Quincy box set calls Jack Klugman the original Crime Scene Investigator. While I haven't heard much about his health, but I do know his voice isn't that good any more. I think he had throat cancer or something.
Lots of great guest star ideas in here! I love the suggestion of Bruce Willis. He could play kind of funny & quirky, like his old role on "Moonlighting". Perhaps an old colleague from Grissom's past who used to drive him nuts because he never went by the books? Then he shows up for Grissom's help on a case, & drives him nuts all over again...LOL

I'd love to see David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson show up as Mulder & Scully. Don't know how they'd work it, but I'd love to see it! Would be a great nod to all those X Files fans who now watch CSI!

I don't know how many folks know Christopher Walken, but I think he'd make the perfect really, really creepy villian. He does "creepy" exceptionally well. *shivers*

Lucy Lawless, yeah, that would be cool, too! Or Meghan Mullaly, "Karen" from "Will & Grace". In her full-out Karen persona. Another person to drive Grissom up a wall... and she'd probably get along really well with Greg, and bring out the former "crazy" in him for awhile. (And just when Griss thought he had him trained!)
YES! That would be perfect - man why didnt i think of that??
They should do a show where they need the help of the CIA and vice versa to solve this HUGE case ( if any of you have read ''seduction in death" by nora roberts - youll know what i mean by HUGE ) and Sydney ( jennifer garner ) can be on the show - but even after the case is solved, they're so amazed by her hard work and effort that they ask her to be a part of the team.... * roka goes back to sleep *
I'd love to see David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson show up as Mulder & Scully. Don't know how they'd work it, but I'd love to see it! Would be a great nod to all those X Files fans who now watch CSI!

OMG that'll be sooo cool! They could have a serious serial killer case, and get the FBI involved...And then they can come to CSI, and be all X-File ish...(I dunno...maybe the killing can involve aliens?)

Ooooh and I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet (sorry if you have) but I think Keifer Sutherland (sp?) should guest star as Jack Bauer from 24...that would be soooo coool...

OMG the best would be CSI + X-Files + 24 gaaah *dies*

come back to life Nimo - it wont be happening - but CSI and ALias now thaaaaaaaaaats the hotness :D
* runs while Nimo attacks her with chicken wings *