Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

That would be cool if she and Grissom and Sara were in a scene together -- how much tension would THAT produce??


That would be TOO much tension hahaha.
I can see it before my eyes... Sara giving Lady Heather the glare of death... :p
Nickstokesfan, that's funny you mentioned Tom Sellect...Magnum PI was a CBS show way back in the 80's and I mentioned I want to see Higgins so maybe they could pull it off...or have Grissom go to Hawaii!

Lady Heather IS coming back this season.

I loved how Sally Field played Maura Tierny's Mom on ER...So I could see her doing a show. I'd like to see Goldie Hawn play Sara's mom.
Nickstokesfan, that's funny you mentioned Tom Sellect...Magnum PI was a CBS show way back in the 80's and I mentioned I want to see Higgins so maybe they could pull it off...or have Grissom go to Hawaii!

I loved how Sally Field played Maura Tierny's Mom on ER...So I could see her doing a show. I'd like to see Goldie Hawn play Sara's mom.

HIGGINS!!!! Yes! He would be great on CSI. :)

Goldie Hawn as Sara's mom? :lol: That would be interesting. Isn't she just a LITTLE too goofy? (Goldie, not Sara. ;) )
That would be TOO much tension hahaha.
I can see it before my eyes... Sara giving Lady Heather the glare of death... :p

And think of how confused Grissom would be... he's obviously drawn to Lady Heather (did he kiss her or not???) but he's got feelings for Sara. It would be a great character development scene for him.

Oops... this discussion kind of went off the topic of the thread. Sowwy!

So, let me add another suggestion. Randy Quaid as a bad guy.
Like I said when I started this forum...Higgins was the Gil Grissom of the 80's. I would so love to see him and Grissom do some wacked out experiment.
Some of these may have been said already:

Josh Duhamel and James Caan--either as Danny McCoy and Ed Deline or similar characters

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson--as FBI Agents, not necessarily Mulder and Scully, but you could have the Assistant Coroner who's a UFO geek start fawning over them

Lance Henriksen-He could play Frank Black, helping investigate a serial killer

Lucy Liu-Play a gal Nick is dating who turns out to be a crook

Ming-Na-Play another gal Nick is dating

Bai Ling: Play another lady-Heather type

Eva Longoria-play a potentially murdering housewife

Sandra Oh-have her play a Private Investigator who teams with the Crime Lab on something

Paul Giamatti-Have him Play Ecklie's more likable and more wimpy cousin
Lucy Liu-Play a gal Nick is dating who turns out to be a crook

Ming-Na-Play another gal Nick is dating

Why is Nick dating only Asian girls? :)

Sandra Oh-have her play a Private Investigator who teams with the Crime Lab on something

I could definitely see that. She's Canadian, didja know? :D

How could I have forgotten Michael Vartan?? :eek:

And Richard Dean Anderson -- of McGyver fame. :D (I'm aging myself here.) :p

Okay, my last suggestion (for now): Cary Elwes. He could be a good guy. :)
Why is Nick dating only Asian girls? :)

Why not let Nick date some Asian women for a change? Get in a little diversity and let him have some real luvin'... not that there's anything wrong with AfAm, Caucasian or Latinas either... :devil:
Yes! Michael Vartan should really appear...
Or... Well... Let me think about it... Wouldn't it be to much "Alias" over the whole CSI thing then =S
Hmm... maybe. But I've enjoyed Michael Vartan in other roles he's played. He's a really good actor. But I guess he can't escape from the connection with Alias right now.
OT: I think MIchael Vartan is good for crime type of roles only i didnt think he was good in that MOnster in Law movie - its not his thing.

Then again, him on CSI isnt as exciting as Jennifer Garner since she does most of the action parts anyway. I just think she and Sara would make a great team. Maybe they can work on a case together and Sara has another emotional moment... ahhh :D