Who do you want to see guest star on CSI

I was talking to my bus driver about this today... She loves CSI too.

But wouldn't that mean that Papa Olaf is Greg's grandfather on his mother's side?

and on the CBS CSI proflie for Sara, they said she's "an only child of ex-hippies." Remember that she did go into foster care, so it wasn't her real or half brother.

I thought of Josh Gracin (military man)... and I forgot...
I could be wrong on the season...It might have been "one hit wonder" in Season 3. Sara told Grissom she "found a bag of dirt under her brother's bed...it turned out to be his pot." Also the profiles are REALLY off. Just recently the article posted here about Marg Helegenberger wanted her husband to be on the show again she says Catherine was raised in Vegas...it also says that on the profileon the Season 1 DVD, if I remember, but on the website it says she's from Montana, and lived in Seattle.

OH ROZ from Frazier! I miss Roz! She could be one of Catherine's old friends. Or even Bull Dog from Frazier.
Liquidcrystal - wow i had no clue she had one - what ever happened to him, i mean was he sent into foster care too??

You know what - maybe Marilyn Manson could be in it - or the guys from Cannibal Corpse - maybe some kid at a concert ends up surprising the band by turning one of their songs real - and actually following the lyrics to a song on this body and putting it backstage. When the manager is walkin around for last minute check ups backstage he sees it and freaks out - bring in CSI to find out who and why. ONe of the band members bein a suspect...
Jack Baur or Keifer Sutherland
C J Craig or Allison Janney
Josiah Bartlet or Martin Sheen
Leo MacGarry or John Spencer
Toby Ziegler or Richard Schiff
Josh Lyman or Bradley Whitford
Sam Seaborn or Rob Lowe

Victor Webster
Lauren Lee Smith

I'd love to see any of them or all of them or some of them as a guest star...just not in the morgue.
okay right now i just realized that i dont watch enough tv... i dont know a SINGLE person from the ones you just named sidle_my_idol
okay right now i just realized that i dont watch enough tv... i dont know a SINGLE person from the ones you just named Sidle_my_idol

all those are from 24 (the first one), The West Wing(six of them -actors/characters) , and the last two actors are from Mutant X ( used-to-like the show)

And I also want to throw the main guy from the Prison Break there. :D

I don't watch TV so much either, but those are the ones I do love.
if you dont watch tv so much - what am i supposed to say? lol i only turn on the tv for CSI, the Maury Show, Oprah, and CBS or ABC news in the morning... im just not into tv i stick to my music and of course.. .INTERNET!

24 is a crime show too right?
I forgot....I want to see ME in CSI...
I would love to be the murderer ;-) and Nick will arrest me ;-))) ... but He will change his mind and go away with me. We will live like fugitives... and take refuge in Canada and after we will live around the world :D :D :D...
:lol: not bad for a dreamer, Nickyboom :p

if your gonna be in it , i want to. i'd make a good murderer too i got the whole 'hiphop wannabe' attitude goin on and i walk around thinkin i own the place and i have a cold stare that makes you think im a coldhearted reject! and i watch cartoons!!!
But wouldn't that mean that Papa Olaf is Greg's grandfather on his mother's side?

No. Baldness is passed down from the mother's genes, not the father's. Greg said he was glad baldness comes from the mother, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about going bald. Greggo does like his hair!

and on the CBS CSI proflie for Sara, they said she's "an only child of ex-hippies." Remember that she did go into foster care, so it wasn't her real or half brother.

There are a lot of inconsistencies with the "official CBS profiles". For example, they said Greg graduated from Berkley, but he told Nick in one episode that he graduated from Stanford on a full ride scholarship. Other fans on various lists have also commented on discrepancies between the "official bios" and what their characters have said on the show.
I'm a little late joining this thread and didn't have time to read each post so I don't know if these people have been mentioned:

* David Monahan who plays Det. Seeley on Crossing Jordan - He is the CUTEST thing (after George Eads, of course) and just doesn't get enough time on that show

* Aaron Eckhart (he starred opposite Gwyneth Paltrow in Possession)

* He's not my favourite actor but I think someone like Tom Selleck would work.

* Morgan Freeman

* Jim Caviezel

* Greg Kinnear

* Sandra Bullock (with at least one snort-laugh) :)

* Sally Field

* Liam Aiken from A Series of Unfortunate Events (he was such a cute kid when he guest starred in Law & Order: CI a few years ago)

* Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls - even Lauren Graham, her mother on the show

* Wynona Rider

Okay, that's all I can think of now. :)
nickstokesfan, i reckon you're right with Sandra Bullock. the snort laugh would be hilarious as well. gotta get her on it.

Ps. i think you've watched Miss Congeniality a few many times.
Hmm... nope, I think I saw each one just once. She must have snorted in Two Weeks Notice, too! :D

I remembered someone else... Tom Welling (Smallville)
I remembered someone else... Tom Welling (Smallville)

Mmm...Tom Welling in the show would be very good eye-candy. And I was talking with my friend the other day, and we thought Scott Speedman would be great as a baddie :devil: