"Who and What" Discussion *SPOILERS

I think the preview will be during WAT.

Yeah the CSI part was really good. Nice everyone got a bit of a part in it too.
I liked tonights eppy...

Overall the case was pretty good. Good character interaction, and everyone was included. It had an old school csi feel to it, which seems to be a re-occurring theme this season.

I liked Hodges trying to suck up to Jack :lol: Ahhh Hodges...

Grissom named his dog Hank? That is crossing the line into creepy. Oh and they have a dog sitter, how cute! :rolleyes:

Not a big fan of Jack. Is is just kind of blah. Way too intense for his own good. Plus the way he talks annoys the crap out of me. Small things can annoy me a lot. I can tell he is australian, you can hear it in some of the words. The only good part with him, was when he was asking Grissom about his office, that was pretty funny :lol:

Didn't Grissom give the fetal pig to Catherine?? or does he more than one.

I am watching WAT now...not waiting until CTV shows it tommorow, obviously. Its ok, i wouldn't start watching the show though. The Cross-over should have been with New York, though...Gary Sinese is an amazing actor.

oh and CTV showed a preview for next week...
desertwind Said:

she's coming back ..maybe she's going to work with Jack in his office, to get away form all the stress, and needs a fresh perspective! this will never come to an end, a brief hiatus perhaps! Sara/Jorja will return!

CSI_Time Said:

That has nothing to do with this weeks episode

And then desertwind said:

Sure it isn't, I phrased it about maybe Sara would go to work for Jack in his office, that is about the episode

Actually no it doesn’t; just because you mentioned Jack does not make your comment about this week’s episode. You linked to an article that was about JF only, with the article having no mention of this week’s episode, and then you then speculated about how meeting Jack could explain how Sara leaves, with there being no spoilers or clips from this week’s episode to support your idea . It seems like your comment would have been better suited for a JF/ Sara thread as it was just pure conjecture on your part about Sara, and not on what we will be seeing in the episode. Once again this is a thread for and EPISODE discussion, not on “how will Sara leave” discussion. I am just trying to keep us on track before it turns into a GSR/JF – Non GSR/JF debate which has pissed of so many people. Your idea is not a bad one; I just think this is the wrong place to post it. I am sure many members in the Sara/JF threads would love to hear it, but since there is no evidence that any of it happens in this week’s episode I don’t think it goes here.

For me I have about three hours go and for once I can’t wait. Not only does the story sound great but I really want to see Jack and Gil try and work together. These clips of the snappiest comeback lines I have ever seen on the show.
Thank's CSI_Time for your positive comments, and let me see HMMM, you're not a moderator, and therefore have no right to tell me or anyone else how to post, or what to post, and I will not repsond to negativity except to defend my comments ;) which were on topic.. thank you.. and moving on!!! Jack and Grissom rock together, fantastic. the best team ever..both wonderful seasoned actors and so professional, and such candor.. incredible ;)
good eppy, I enjoyed it. Loved the "this is your office?" scene. I do think it was lacking something that I can't quite put my finger on. Perhaps its just because the last few shows were completely different from this one.

Typical of Hodges....heheh! Sucking up as usual. Couldn't have it any other way, and it was amusing how Jack shot him down.

I thought then tension between Jack and Gris in the beginning was kinda interesting as well. Two strong characters going toe to toe like they did. Thought it was well done.

Seems strange to see Gris out of the 'safety' of his lab by heading off to New York.
I wasn't too impressed with the second half...

I guess because i don't watch WAT, so i don't really know the characters or anything. I found it a little boring, but the end was pretty good. The kid was a good actor...
Pretty cool episode! I was pleasantly surprised, actually. Loved the scene with Griss and Samantha [even though that was the WAT ep.], shows how Gil is just as socially inept as ever. :D

Sara drove me crazy in this episode. I mean, I understand that she's getting tired of the job and all, but it's not like she hasn't seen worse things before. I'm a psychology student, so I get what's going on with her [sometimes], but I was seriously yelling at the TV "What are you pregnant? What's with the emotionality all of a sudden?" Can't wait til next ep.

Griss and Jack had major chemistry, it was awesome watching them work together. They did it so well. Agreed, way too much GSR in the next promo. Ick. But, that just means good things coming up for us non-Sara fans!

Also, LOVED the Nick/Greg/Warrick scene. ;)
XF I felt the same. I think since most of us (I think) don't watch WAT, makes it hard to get into. Grissom & Jack started off rocky but ended up working good together. It's amazing how much smarter Grissom is then Jack and his entire FBI team.

This reminded me way too much of All for our country/ assume nothing. Good first episode, then kind of died down during the second. Maybe its just cause I expected so much. Not degradding it at all though, I still enjoyed it very much

As far as next week goes . . . should be VERY INTERESTING. Not really happy they showed the kiss during the commercial, seems like they ruined something years int he making.
ItDontMatter said:
Sara shouldn't call him "Gil", that is so Brass, Eckle or Catherine. I thought it "cuter" when she called him "Gilbert" and that cute thing seemed to be what they were going for here.

Me too! Ok- so I shall limit the insanity in my head right now to two words- "HANK!" KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought that this was a good episode it was a great cross- over it get me guled to the tv that's for sure.Grissom and Jack make a great team working together ( now we need and CSI: LV and CSI:NY cross-over and the world would be much sweeter :rolleyes: ) and i also thought that is was funny :lol: that Grissom knew more than what the FBI knew.