What's the last thing you ate?

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last night for supper i had a big container of cucumber and with a couple of grapes, that was my favorite supper i had in a while, it was rather that or a BIG sandwich and i picked well i stole the cucumber
i just ate a chocolate chip muffin for breakfast. probably not the healthiest thing i could have eaten but i couldnt be bothered getting anything else... and besides, it was snack time, not breakfast time! hehehe...

last night i had home cooked steak and bacon pie. goddam best thing i've eaten in sooo long! i love my mummy's steak and bacon pies! *drools*
delishes turker jello :lol: who rememmbers animaniacs :D im sorry it's just every time i hear jello i think of ralph :D

back to the topic:
i had a mini mars bar
Mog said:
Do talk at length about it. We all know our lovely mods dislike spammers (they can also ruin the fun for us - the lawful posters) and I'm sure they'd like one thread here without that. So please let's abide. No lines like, 'I had a hotdog.'

Just to re-iterate what the original poster of this thread put. Can we please add a bit more to our posts in here? Because it's getting a bit spammy, with most people writing a line or less.

Thanks :)
HAHA! I can go on and on about the disgusting thing I just ate mwuahah!

Okay so I just ate a disgusting, old, dried out cookie from Tim Hortons. The chocolate in it tasted funny...and it was stale tasting. I stuck it in my coffee and it still tasted disgusting...and usually coffee can cover the taste of an icky cookie...so that just tells you that the cookie I ate was disgusting...and cookies are supposed to be yummy! So now I have a craving for a yummy cookie.
I just had fresh loukoumades straight from Greek fest. Mmm...they were so juicy and soft, dripping with sweet honey.
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