What's the last thing you ate?

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csikicksurass said:
:lol: a mcdonalds kids meal :D

HAHA. Did you get a funny look from the cashier? And do they still come in those awesome boxes or did you just get it in a paper bag?

And I ate scrambled eggs. A real problem, since it gave me stomach aches ALL PIANO LESSON. And if I complained, it would look like I'm trying to escape from Sonata in C Minor.
HAHA. Did you get a funny look from the cashier? And do they still come in those awesome boxes or did you just get it in a paper bag?

yes i did, i never got those boxes before so i felt special and because of pirates of the carabian i got a pirate bandana that wont fit on my head!!!! i got stared at by everyone even my sister but she was jealous of the little toy suprise i got :D
RoosCSILover said:
Bread with (I dunno how to call it in english, maybe Jayne knows :lol:) appelstroop
:lol: Even when I'm not working, I'm working :lol: Apple spread, or apple syrup, whichever you prefer :p

Last thing I had were Jamaican rum toffees :)
Just got back from Taco Hell.. er... Bell, and I'm having two crunchy tacos, and two cheesy rice and bean burritos.
I'm eating ichi band (or however you spell it). What can I say...I love pasta! Ha, no, I actually don't like it that much...but it's cheap!
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