What are you reading?

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wibble said:
I also liked the Hardy Boys, if anyone's ever heard of them. I think they were written by Franklin Dixon (or something like that).

I used to read those when I was younger. If you didn't already know this, there was no person named Franklin Dixon. Both the Hardy Boys books and the Nancy Drew books were made by a company with different people writing them. The company found two names that didn't exist and used thise names as the authors.
:eek: I KNEW IT! I so knew it was not a real name because no one could ever give a horrible name like that to a boy. :lol: But still, great selection of books they had. :D Used to find quite many of them in charity shops for 25p which was good. :p

And baba, I didnt knwo that actually! That is pretty cool to find out where the words we use right now came from, pretty cool. Thanks! :D

Ah yeah, I was going to print off WW2, DetectiveB, but the printer actually ran out on the 23rd page of the WW1 section which was okay cos the last 2 pages was just references. :lol: But still, sad that the printer didnt quite make the WW2. :(
My life crashed when I realised Carolyn Keene wasn't a real person :p

I'm again reading 2nd part of my town's history. Should get 3rd part. 2nd part goes from 16th century to 19th centuey.
kazzy, how can you afford to print all these pages out? :lol: Do you have a laser printer or inkjet? Because inkjet cartridges, I thought they were expensive?

And that explanation about Franklin Dixon...explains why they did Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew collaboration :) Yeah, I used to find a lot of the books at jumble sales and stuff - had quite a bookcase-full of them in the end!
wibble said:
kazzy, how can you afford to print all these pages out? :lol: Do you have a laser printer or inkjet? Because inkjet cartridges, I thought they were expensive?

they are expensive, you're right. ;) BUT it wasnt my printer so therefore not my ink! :lol: And I don't feel guilty about my brother having to spend £15 for a new ink catridge... :p
kazzy said:
wibble said:
kazzy, how can you afford to print all these pages out? :lol: Do you have a laser printer or inkjet? Because inkjet cartridges, I thought they were expensive?

they are expensive, you're right. ;) BUT it wasnt my printer so therefore not my ink! :lol: And I don't feel guilty about my brother having to spend £15 for a new ink catridge... :p

exactly! I print out books all the time but it is Daddy's money not mine. And I am mad at him right now so I have spent the whole afternoon printing off color photos of Capt. Jack Sparrow in high quality on photo paper. sorry OT.

I forced myself through another 100 pages of LotF today. It is actually pretty good but I do not like being told what to do. I am not accustomed to having to do what they tell me expecially over summer. This does not make Becky happy.
laetri, you have to read lord of the flies? i had to read it last year as well. it is a good book but once you have to analyse to death and do exams on it then you start to hate it.
Oh I read Lord of the Flies.. for my reading list, luckily I didn't get many questions on it. I really thought it was a boring book actually, but I know many others will disagree with me.
I find it a good book, it's about a group of boys stranded on a deserted island, and how they turn from good, decent british boys to wild savages.
Steve_Jobs said:
I find it a good book, it's about a group of boys stranded on a deserted island, and how they turn from good, decent british boys to wild savages.
yeah that's it.. however, let's rephrase it to: "to pretty wild savages" :eek:
I had to read LOTF in English classes too and had to write about "innate aggressiveness" and though I didn´t really liked it at that time, it turned out to be the best book we read. After that we had to read "To room 19" by Doris Lessing which I hated ( well at least the analyzing of the book :D).

Now I´m off to bed with an article about a professional poker player :lol:, though I also wanted to read some article about the Munchhausen-by-proxy-Syndrome ( for research ) but it´s too late.
kito_of_typhoon said:
After that we had to read "To room 19" by Doris Lessing which I hated.
Well are you surprised? Come on, it's Doris Lessing :p I have 3 novels of her at home, read all 3 and hate all 3.. I wonder why I ever bought them :rolleyes:
Oh man, I read A Good Terrorist by Doris Lessing and MAN how boring it was! Read it for Finnish class.
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