What are you reading?

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I am now reading Whirlwind by James Clavell...it is the last book in his Asian Saga series it is actually quite good despite its intimidating length
I'm now reading Three-Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie (one of her Hercule Poirot mysteries), though I doubt I will figure out 'who-dunnit' before the end :p
^^When I was a teenager I used to underline the name of the murderer in the most interesting part of the Agatha Christie's library books...I was evil. :devil:
I'm reading The Dream Merchant by Isabel Hoving...

I've just started reading it, but so far it's been really interesting. I was drawn to it by the synopsis, the concept sounds unique. And I'm a big fan of epic fantasy adventure type stories ;) so I'm not gonna miss this.

Just found out it's the Winner of the Netherlands' most prestigious children's book award... so what I'm reading is the english translated one.
Just finished CSI:Miami, Florida Getaway last night. Then I started on NY's graphic novel.
I started reading Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter today, it's a wonderful mystery almost horror book. I would highly recomend it even though I'm less tham 100 pages into it. Blindsighted is her first book, and I say get it at your library so if you don't like it it wouldn't of cost you anything.
saras_girlfriend said:
I'm reading 'el último catón' a Da Vinci Code like novel in Spanish, it's really sucking me in!!!
Oh,I read that one by Matilde Asensi,it's amusing.
If you like that maybe you like "La hermandad de la sábana santa" by Julia Navarro,it's the same style.
i'm starting to read shakespeare's Macbeth. *sigh* i hate english class sometimes... actually, most of the time.
I brought Karin Slaughter's 'Kisscut' today, so I'll start reading that later on tonight. I enjoyed the first book so much, I'll defiantly be continuing with the Grant County series. :)
I just finished 'A Perfect Evil' by Alex Kava. I really loved that book, because she's a good writer. It has an open end, and I haaaate open ends, so I'm going to buy the second book, the story continues in that book.

I wanna see how Maggie O'Dell and Nick Morelli will get involved! I'm a Maggie/Nick shipper, lol.
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