What are you reading?

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My sister is big on the Laurlene McDaniels books. I find them depressing, sad and poorly written. Does anyone here like them? What is the appeal of reading a book about a baby dying of AIDS or a five year old with cancer?
^ don't know...but they were big with my friends in 7th grade...i even was suckered in to reading a few...all about death....so depressing...i don't think i'll ever figure out why people read them....
i'm reading Mixed Blessings by Danielle Steel
kinda boring...i haven't found out the point of the book yet. i don't like it that much. have to go to the library soon...tommorow.
I really like the books of csi:)miami) a lot then I also mean the style it has been written, the genre & stuff. Can anyone here recommend me some books?!? Both English or Dutch titles will do. I like reading in English!
I'm currently reading the CSI:NY novels by Stuart M. Kaminsky. Just finished "Dead of Winter" and now I'm moving onto "Blood on the Sun". ^_^ They're actually quite good.
I just finished "Beloved" by Toni Morrison. It was fantastic, as is all Morrison. She uses ghosts and folklore to help in telling very real stories about the horrors of slavery. There's no wonder the woman has won the Nobel Prize for literature, she's absolutely brilliant and I highly recommend any of her books.

Now I'm onto Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes. I read half of it in one day, it's very interesting. It's a fictional novel about a young mentally handicapped man named Charlie who becomes the first human subject of an experimental neurological operation aimed at making him "smart". The story is told through Charlie's journals, and is underlined by frequent spelling and grammar mistakes in the early entries, along with obvious miscomprehension of the world around him.. as the book progresses and Charlie's intelligence grows, the journal entries very slowly become more and more intelligent with him, until you realise he's become a genius. Algernon, meanwhile, is the mouse the experiment was first tested on, and when he begins to deteriorate Charlie realises that the same will happen to him, and has to slowly watch his newfound brilliance slip away.

It's VERY sad and VERY good so far.
I am reading the play "The King" by Padraic Pearse :D It's so fascinating to see how he used (blood and self) sacrifice to show Ireland that that is their only path to freedom!
I´m reading at the moment:
"The proposition of the parrot" by Denis Guedj in german; dunno if it´s the right english title, translated it from the german one
"The sign of four" by Arthur Conan Doyle in english; felt the urge to read some Sherlock Holmes story after watching "Who shot Sherlock" :lol:
"The official forensic files casebook" in german, borrowed it from a friend
Reading the about 200-pages that I printed off Wikipedia. :rolleyes: I was so bored I wanted to see how many pages the printer would print before it ran out.
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