What are you reading?

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JayneEmilysRealm said:
kito_of_typhoon said:
After that we had to read "To room 19" by Doris Lessing which I hated.
Well are you surprised? Come on, it's Doris Lessing :p I have 3 novels of her at home, read all 3 and hate all 3.. I wonder why I ever bought them :rolleyes:

No, because after that we also had to read "The fifth child" and that was even worse :mad:.
But one of my friends bought a Doris Lessing book for her mother ( after we read them at school ). Pheew, she must really hate her mother :lol:.
^:lol: Ohhh yes, she must :lol: That's a nasty thing to do!!
Yeah, I have "The fifth child" at home.. that's a weird book though.. I should've known by the cover of it :rolleyes:
well finished bag of bones - stephen king which was pretty good, then picked up wizard and glass by s k and put it back down again, part of the watchtower books he did, i just cannot get into it at all, as i said hes getting weird in his old age, all those gory books he wrote has mangled his brain.
i can recommend a child called it or is it a boy called it by david peltzer, read the book in one day and cried all the way through, such a harrowing true story.
Has anyone on here ever read any motivational books by Anthony Robbins? I have a friend who keeps trying to get me to read one but I REAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLY don't want to. I've made him a deal: If he reads my copy of the South Beach Diet, I'll read his Tony Robbins book! :p

Anyone read his stuff and been transformed? Inquiring Minds want to know! :lol:
I'm now reading The Eagle and the Wolves by Simon Scarrow. Only another 3 to go after this, and then I'll have read the entire series up til now (I think he is writing more stories in the series).
Since I haven't read a single Dan Brown with Robert Langdon in it, I bought the first one, Angels and Demons yesterday. After reading the first page I was hooked....
Almost finished reading the 200 pages pile so Im onto next book which is Henning Mankell's Dogs of Riga. :D And at the same time, reading Tess Gerritsen's Vanish, Tim Severin's Viking and Jonathan Kellerman's Rage. Hmm yep, going to take me ages to finish them all. :rolleyes:
Done with the thesis, so I can finally read some proper novels.. like *picks novel* Proteus, by Morris West :rolleyes: No idea what it is about though, but it's better than anything dealing with the Easter Rising..
*is envious because Jayne has finished her thesis*

Hey kazzy, what's Tim Severin like? I love those kind of books set ages and ages ago - I've picked his Viking books up in Borders a few times, and they look good but haven't actually read one yet.
wibble said:
*is envious because Jayne has finished her thesis*
Hang in there wibz.. I know what hell you're going through.. I might be back in hell with ye.. it was just the pre-final.. but am visiting heaven (or call it peace) for the next two weeks.. then I'm back with ye.. when do you think you have it finished?
I found a bunch of random Anne Rice books in my room a few weeks ago, so now I'm reading The Witching Hour.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Hang in there wibz.. I know what hell you're going through.. I might be back in hell with ye.. it was just the pre-final.. but am visiting heaven (or call it peace) for the next two weeks.. then I'm back with ye.. when do you think you have it finished?

I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of September, before I start my final term at Uni because I don't want it hanging over me when I go back. I've done half of it now, though the deadline isn't until 17th November.

Thank goodness for novels to take my mind off it :eek: :lol:

Hope you enjoy your two weeks of felicity :)
I'm reading Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities: The Making of a Homosexual Minority in the United States, 1940-1970 and The World Turned, both by John D'Emilio. I used the first one as a source for my thesis, but it turned out to be outstanding. The other is a collection of essays, and it's pretty enthralling.
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