What are you reading?

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kazzy said:
Reading the about 200-pages that I printed off Wikipedia. :rolleyes: I was so bored I wanted to see how many pages the printer would print before it ran out.
You can also read the manual of the printer instead :rolleyes: But I'll keep this idea in mind next time I'm bored, sounds like fun.. as long as the Wikipedia articles are interesting to read.
kazzy said:
Reading the about 200-pages that I printed off Wikipedia. :rolleyes: I was so bored I wanted to see how many pages the printer would print before it ran out.

Lol! :lol: You're crazy :lol:

I hope the articles were interesting and, erm...illuminating :D
I had to read Flowers for Algernon in high school. And I think we also read the Charly play.

I'm waiting to get my hands on the newest Reichs book, Break no Bones...they're very different from the TV series (Tempe is older, has a college daughter and works in Canada and NC, with Ryan instead of Booth)but are usually very good reads.
^My mom said she had to read Flowers for Algernon in high school as well, but I never did. I read The Outsiders and The Shipping News.. both I found totally useless :(

I really enjoyed the Reichs book I read. I'd be into reading more.
i'm currently reading a book called 'sybil' about a girl who had 16 seperate personalities in her life. its really quite interesting. im doing it for an english assignment.
wibble said:
kazzy said:
Reading the about 200-pages that I printed off Wikipedia. :rolleyes: I was so bored I wanted to see how many pages the printer would print before it ran out.

Lol! :lol: You're crazy :lol:

I hope the articles were interesting and, erm...illuminating :D

Of course it was. I just went to the History section and downloaded articles I didnt know about such as about the vikings, goths, anglo saxons..etc. :p I think I even printed off 25 pages about WW1. :lol: :rolleyes:
Hey, there's some interesting reading about World War 1. For example, did you know that the term "chatting", or "to have a chat" originated in trench warfare? The guys would sit around in the trenches talking while they used their cigarettes to burn off the lice that crawled all over them- the lice were called "chats". And thus, the sitting around talking while getting rid of chats became called "chatting". :)

Somewhat gross but absolutely true. I highly recommend reading anything historical. :D
I'm currently reading "Bluebeard" by Kurt Vonnegut, it's good but not as good as Asimov to me.
I've been going back to my childhood.
I used to read the Nancy Drew books back then. Now I've been tracking down some of the other books in the series that I haven't read yet.
Also I've been reading or re-reading a few celebrity memoirs/bios:
Maureen O'Hara "Tis herself"
"Patsy - the life & times of Patsy Cline"
Barbara Mandrell - "get to the heart"
"Jodie (Foster): A biography"
Sheryl Crow "no fool to this game"

Other current reads include:
"doghouse roses" by Steve Earle
"why do clocks run clockwise? and other ponderables"
I have to read "Lord of the Flies" for school, it doesn't look that bad but simply the principle of them telling me what to read makes summer reading stink.
^^^ Funny how that works, huh? I did my undergrad degree in English and I think that's the time when I actually read the least amount! I guess part of us rebels against being told what to do, even when it's something we normally love. ;)

Just so you know though, Lord of the Flies is a good book. :)
Thanks for the info on "chatting" Baba :) Don't think I was really aware of that. And I agree, LOTF is a good book.

I think there was only one time when I was told to read a book for school, and I did with enjoyment, which was when I had to read To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. What a fantastic book! Love it :D I think I read it about 6 times in 3 months - needless to say, I was well-prepared for my English exam at the end of the year :lol:

Ohhh, I'm so glad someone else used to read Nancy Drew :D I loved those books too when I was a kid :) I also liked the Hardy Boys, if anyone's ever heard of them. I think they were written by Franklin Dixon (or something like that).
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