What are you reading?

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I'm reading the poem: Renunciation by Padraic Pearse.. I'm reading it from the patriotic point of view, but I read some critics who argued that it can also be read from a Freudian point of view.. *rubs chin* hmmm.. interesting :devil:
i just finish reading "a prayer for owen meany" by john irving, it's the most amazing book i've ever read, it's just become my new favorite book
I am currently reading Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain. I think i just fell in love with this man all over again. It's such an amazing book. I'm going to scan the pictures in it because they are quite nice to look at. :lol:
i finished harry potter 5 a few days ago and now i'm half way through the next one... then i have to start reading macbeth for english... grr... shakespeare...
i just finished reading The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. it was very good. now i'm going to go to the movie soon! currently i'm not reading any thing...thinking of going to the library.
I have a semi love drama. it's an incredible read, i swear,
i's called "Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
i've just finished reading it, it's really involving.

Also, before that, I read "Getting out of the House" by Isla Dewar, it was a great read as well, quite different too!
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
I have a semi love drama. it's an incredible read, i swear,
i's called "Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
i've just finished reading it, it's really involving.
I'm reading that too "La Sombra del Viento" but I haven't finished it yet.Great book !!!It had a big success since it was published,everybody recomended it to me so finaly I'm reading it and it's amazing.
Hormiga are you reading the spanish version? lol obv i'm reading the english...being from Scotland and everything :)

it's pretty intense don't you think?

another love drama, in it's own way, is "Rememberance" by Theresa Breslin, it's a war/love story, but not a soppy crap one. now that book is sad. lol i cried.
i cry at a lot though...hehe
BabaOReilly said:
I'm reading "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. So far, it's outstanding! :)

That is a very good choice of a book. The book from the beginning to the middle to the end is so GOOD. The ending will shock you though. :eek: ...Oh I hope that wasnt too much of a spoiler. ;)
BabaOReilly said:
I'm reading "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. So far, it's outstanding! :)

:eek: That book is so amazing!!! ;)

I'm reading "Razões do Coração" (translation: Reasons of the Heart) by Álvaro Guerra. It's a romance about the invasion of France in the year 1808 and it takes place in the beautiful city of Mafra.
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