What are you reading?

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i read deception point a while ago now and thaught it was great. im reading the historian by Elizabeth Kostova now.
Just read Deception Point, The Devil Wears Prada, and startin on a book my boyfriend lent me, called the Tao Te Ching. Pretty good so far.
Is The Devil Wears Prada any good? I keep seeing people reading it on the trains and stuff. What's the basic plot? Genre? I'm curious...
I think most people have started to read The Devil Wears Prada because the movie is coming out, haha.

I'm reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, and it's really good so far. I've only started to read his books, I read Smoke and Mirrors which was quite amazing and so my friend who's a Neil Gaiman fan made me try his other books as well.
"The Unbearable Lightness Of Being" Milan Kundera. This is the third time I have read it in a year so I should probably expand my horizons; but I love the book!
Im reading the Faceless killers by Henning Mankell. It's pretty good. I kinda love the style of writing when a book has been translated from another language into English, the style is just so different. :) It is very different when a native writer of english writes it compared to a translated text because in the translated text, it is more formal etc.
"Smart Women" by Judy Blume. It's got the POVs of every character in each situation and it's wonderfully written. I'm enjoying it so far.
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