What are you reading?

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I just got done reading Pendragon:Rivers of Zadaa! anyone else read those books? there quite entertaining.

i wanna know if Saint Dane is Andy! its buggin me.
Over the weekend I bought my first CSI novel and tonight I finished it! :D
I got "Double Dealer" and I thought it was awesome. So now I think I'm going to use up all of my giftcards buying the rest of the books!
I just took out "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Private Investigating" by Steven Kerry Brown out of my local library. I'm currently reading the first chapter which is describing how to become a PI and it's quite interesting.
The last book I finished was "The DaVinci Code", and I'm currently reading "AMERICAN PSYCHO", (yeah...the book that movie was based off of)
I'm reading a book for my French lectures called :"Quelqu'un d'autre" by Tonino Benacquista.
It's about 2 men who decide to change of life.
One gives up his frames shop,changes his face and voice with plastic surgery and becomes a detective.
And the other,well,the other just drinks a lot.
book.... um... I think it was Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. reading in general though right now is fanfiction.net hehe

Ive bought some books with my free world book day voucher. So I got a book called the Sharp North. :D And Im also currently reading Atlantis AND Angels and Demons. Sure is good to read more than a couple of books at a time. ;)
WickedThird said:
The last book I finished was "The DaVinci Code", and I'm currently reading "AMERICAN PSYCHO", (yeah...the book that movie was based off of)

Do you recommend The DaVinci Code? I am debating on reading it.
...You should read the book of Da Vinci Code. It's well good! :D But it does have such a usual Hollywood beginning. When you get over that beginning, it's just great all the way through.
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