What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

I like the Calleigh/Jake scene in Going, Going, Gone.

Calleigh: I can't believe I took a bullet for you.
Jake: What are you talking about? I can't believe I shot a man for you.
Calleigh: Im the one in pain.
Jake: Ive got the emotional scars.
Calleigh: Im sure your losing alot of sleep over this.
Jake: Well, maybe your right.
Calleigh: Whad'ya say?
Jake: Your right, Calleigh.
Calleigh: Nice to hear.
Jake: Well ya gotta admit, we are a good team.
Calleigh: We have our moments. :D
idk if anyone has posted these quotes yet but i absolutley love them! :)

Three-Way (Season 4, Episode 5)

Ryan: 500 bucks? For a recorder? Are you kidding me! What is it dipped in gold?

Ryan: We've really got to crack down on those pot smoking kit theives around here
H- "Whos going protect you from Me".

Someone-"You dont know how it feels to lose everything you love".
H-"I do..... I have lost everything I loved."
Carolyn318 said:
I like this Horatio line probably because it's the only time I can think of where he didn't put on or take off his sunglasses before, during or after saying it. Here it is:

season 5 episode Just Murdered
Horatio: Welcome...to divorce...of the future.
(... represent dramatic pauses)

Now here are some more favorite Horatio lines. Including my all time favorite.

season 1 episode Wet Foot, Dry Foot
Horatio: Are you gonna rebutt everything I say?
Lawyer: Yes.
Horatio: Excellent.

season 2 episode Blood Brothers
Horatio(to Ramon Cruz): Now you have 50 years to think about how you helped me in your arrest.

Here's my all time favorite Horatio line. I put the line in bold, italics and all CAPS.
season 3 episode Money Plane
Horatio: Where would we find Mr. Marshall?
Victim's mom: He's in the office. *points in direction of the office.*


Now here are some of my favorite Frank Tripp lines.

This one is a favorite Frank Tripp line and a favorite Horatio response.
season 5 episode Throwing Heat
Frank: That was a hell of a way to start the day.
Horatio(snickering): And it's only 8 a.m.

season 5 episode Burned
Frank: First, it was a damn land mine. Now a flying water heater. What next?

season 4 episode Felony Flight
Frank(to Eric): Hope you're not allergic to dust.

Here's another favorite Frank Tripp line and a favorite Horatio response.
season 1 episode Dispo Day
Frank: Saw your friend out front. The guy thinks he's Tom Brokaw.
Horatio: If he's Tom Brokaw, I'm Elliot Ness.


Now here are some favorite Calleigh lines.

season 1 episode Wet Foot, Dry Foot
Calleigh: See, this is why I like ballistics. It's an exact science.

season 1 episode Dispo Day
Calleigh: Sharks choking on everything. The grid search offered up 6 sprinkler heads, a bottle cap and a spoon.

season 2 episode Wannabe
after climbing out of the ant aquarium
Calleigh: I'll just be a minute.
Eric: Stragglers?
Calleigh: A few.

And my all time favorite Calleigh line.
season 5 episode Darkroom
Erika Sykes: I'm a journalist. I want my attention on my stories.
Calleigh: If that were true, sweet pea, you'd be writing for a newspaper, not planting your face on the evening news. Have a nice day.


My one and only favorite Eric and Speedle lines.
season 1 episode Simple Man
Speedle(on the phone with Horatio): All right. I'll tell him.
Eric: What did he say?
Speedle: "Throw another rock." What does that mean?
Eric: Means we got a long night ahead of us.


If I think of any favorite Ryan, Alexx, Natalia or Stetler lines, I'll be sure to post them.
Until then...cross your fingers that the :mad: dang writers strike :mad: will be over by this time next week.
yea! my fav ep wanna be, ok well my 2nd fav!
I must give credit where credit is due. Hunter, thank you. Your avatar pic reminded me of a favorite Horatio line from the season 3 episode Pirated. I recognize that pic as part of the scene at the end of the episode. Well, without further ado, here's the favorite Horatio line. This is when Eric alerts Horatio to the guy in the crowd wearing mirrored sunglasses-which are hiding a black eye.

Eric: H.
Horatio: OOH. That's interesting. Roundy round?


I thought of a favorite Natalia line. It's from the season 4 episode Collision. I'll put the line in bold, underlined type. Here's the scene it in. It's the scene where Eric comes upon Natalia. Eric says "Hey Natalia." Natalia says "Hey." Then she asked Eric how was the case with the woman from the crash going...she heard they were stuck. Eric says "You're hearing alot of things, aren't you?" Natalia says "Yeah. No, no, I get it that there's a mole in the lab, and I'm the new girl, so it must be me."
I forgot these Alexx and Ryan lines till just now. A & E is showing the season 5 episode Just Murdered. Here's the Alexx and Ryan lines from Just Murdered.

Alexx: This is what happens when a husband refuses to move out and a wife refuses to buy out.
Ryan: I wonder what would happen if I stuck my hand through here.
Alexx: With this couple, it could mean electrocution.
*Ryan sticks his hand through the lasers dividing the house in half. Loud alarms go off all over the place*
Alexx(slightly louder): Whoa. That is some serious surveillance.
The exact quote is:
"You guys couldn't find your ass with both hands."
I think I've put it in this thread a couple of times myself.
OOPS!!! I just realized I double posted.
Sorry. :(
Here are my 2 favorite scenes in the season 5 episode Going Under.
First is Calleigh and Horatio after she gets out of the sinking Hummer.

Horatio: Calleigh? Calleigh. I don't you to move till we check you out. The paramedics are on the way.
Calleigh: The evidence is, um...
Horatio: Right now, sweetheart, that's not important.
Calleigh: But it's all compromised.
Horatio: Yes. Everything but you, ma'am.


I still hate Jake. But I love this scene.

Frank: All right, listen up. Give up your IDs. All we want to do is talk. Let's make this as painless as possible.
Calleigh(to Jake): You need to step back right now.
Jake: Oh, I would, but I don't take orders from broads.
Frank(to Jake): Do as she says, cowboy.
Calleigh(looking straight at Jake): Line up.
Jake(to Frank about Calleigh): You best keep this bitch on a shorter leash, Tex.
*Calleigh tackles Jake*
Calleigh: So I guess you'll be answering for everybody.


Footnote: This is the ONLY episode where I didn't HATE Jake. In fact, Jake has replaced Stetler as "Character I Hate the Most."
Hey, I like these quotes. Sorry if someone alredy posted them.

Calleigh: Ones pink and white, and ones a polished French tip. These are different processes, they don't match.
Speed: Alright, I should have known that.
Calleigh: Well, I would be scared if you did.

[victim is lying dead on the floor, with a knife in his head]
Ryan: Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon.
Alexx: [sarcastically] Nice work, Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case.
Ryan: Thanks. I have a keen grasp of the obvious.

Calleigh Duquesne: Why fill in the number? Why not just sand it all the way down?
Tim Speedle: I don't know. Maybe it's a guy thing.
Calleigh Duquesne: What? They'll add on or cover up, but they won't mess with the chassis?
Tim Speedle: You know what, you're scaring me.

Calleigh: I cannot believe I took a bullet for you
Jake: What are you talking about? I can't believe I shot a man for you
Calleigh: I'm the one in pain
Jake: I've got the emotional scars
Calleigh: You're not losing any sleep over this
Jake: Maybe you're right
Calleigh: What'd you say?
Jake: You're right, Calleigh
Calleigh: It's nice to hear
Jake: Gotta admit we are a good team
Calleigh: We have our moments

Ryan: Calleigh Duquesne, large and in charge... by large, you know I mean in terms of your reputation, and responsibility, and... you look very beautiful today.
Calleigh: well, that's a... that's a nice save.

Horatio: Nice work. Ever consider transferring to SWAT?
Calleigh: I don't look good in all black.
Horatio: I beg to differ...

Jake: I let you take me down, you know that, right?
Calleigh: Oh, that's right, let's see...you were first in our class, the academy star... Only scared of failure
Jake: I mean you coulda been first, if you weren't so distracted by that guy you were seeing. What was his name? Oh yeah! That was me!

Calleigh: Your relationships always have ulterior motive
Jake: Look, I do care about what happened to our agent. But I can't step out for you Calleigh
Calleigh: Somethings never change

Calleigh: You had nothing on this guy!
Jake: Yes, I did. You're wrong. Kenkella is dealing heroine out of his clubs in Miami. He's gotta be worth millions
Calleigh: If you're so sure, then why send in the girl?
Jake: Because I couldn't get in! And they were auctioning off beautiful girls
Calleigh: And you could've found a young police officer?
Jake: Well not unless they let me use you. Look Calleigh, you know how this works. You get one shot at a guy like this
Calleigh: Well, it looks like you missed

LOL. I loved how everytime Calleigh dissed Jake he didn't say anything back to her. :lol:
Venus: You're hot.
Ryan: Open your mouth.
Venus: Guys usually say please.
Ryan: What's the name of the buckeye state?
Venus: What's a buckeye?
Ryan: Say Ohio.
Venus: Ohi... that's hot.
and then later, when he imitates her. xD
Ryan is my all-time fav. He says the best things. :)

Ryan: Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon.
Alexx: [Sarcastically] Nice work, Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case.
Ryan: Thanks. I have a keen grasp of the obvious.
(Hell night)

I just remembered a good Speedle line from the season one episode Camp Fear.

Speedle is looking around at all the small, empty milk cartons the dead guy has in his little RV-(motor home).
Speedle: Got milk?
Omg, ^^ that's so totally something my best friend would say... And she'd say it with a completely straight face... LOL!

I got a couple...

Calleigh(to Eric): See, that's the problem. You LUUUUV crazy... till crazy loves you.


Next one: just look down, guys... Lol vvvvv (my signature)