What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

Re: Favorite CSI: Miami Quotes?

From the CSI: NY part-(Manhattan Manhunt) of the season 4 crossover.
Horatio: I heard there was a break in the case.
Mac: Stella already has you on speed dial, huh?
Speedle said:
Speed:Why don't you step away you cheap tequila pushing ass! haha I love that quote
actually it went something like this

Speed:Sir, can you read the yellow tape right there? It says 'crime scene.'
Ted: Hey, I got permit to be here.
Speed:Oh ... you got a permit.
Ted:Yeah, that's right. From parks and rec.
Speed:Well ... I'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl that got murdered here last night.
Ted:Whoa, hold on ...
Speed:I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process this crime scene because you have a permit for a party.
Ted:You misunderstood me ...
Speed:Then I'm going to arrest your cheap, tequila-pushing ass and have you spend the night in lockup with all the drunk-and-disorderlies, and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys.
Ted:You know what? Maybe I-I ... maybe I should just wait until you're finished.
Speed: That's a capital idea, Ted.
(Spring Break)

That is one of my fav Speedisms of all time!!! and i don't mean to be modest but i have a knack for quotes and ep names. especially Speedisms, which if you didn't know are what we Speed fans call quotes by our sexy Speed.
Re: CSI:Miami Quotes

H(to Stetler about Yelina): If you touch her again, I am going to kill you.
Quite possibly the best H quote ever! ;)
From the season 3 episode Under the Influence.
Horatio(coming in to the room): He shoots. He scores.

Quick rant then I'll shut up.
Can we PLEASE stop fiddling with this thread's title when we post??? I'm getting a headache from all this title changing. In my post before this one, ^^up^^ there where the title is, above where what's gonna be in the post is typed, I changed the title back to the thread's original title "What are some of your favorite CSI: Miami quotes?" Now it's gone back to CSI: Miami quotes. Here's a compromise: Favorite CSI: Miami Quotes. Can we all agree on that??? Please!!! For the sake of my sanity.
OK...My rant is over...I'll shut up now.
The thread title has been reset to what the original poster intended. :)
:devil: :devil: Horatio to Rick in After The Fall:

:p "Rule number one, Rick. Never mess with Calleigh Duquesne." :p
Frank: Well who the hell worries about a jacket when you're getting ready to get in somebody's pants?
Here is ONE my favorite Frank Tripp lines.
This is from the season 3 episode KILLER DATE.

Frank(referring to his typing): I hunt and I peck and I don't want anyone breathing down my neck till I'm finished.

:lol: Sounds like my typing when I first got this computer back in April 2002. :lol:
here's one of my fav H ones from Dispoy Day

H:*to IAB officers* you guys couldn't find your ass with both hands

after he said that i was just like "OH! what now! he told you!"
Eric:*sarcastic* so got a TOD? or do you need the foot for that too?
Alexx:*smirks and talks slightly annoyed* Liver temp put's the boys TOD around 1am and you better get out of here ore you're gonna be next....
(Game Over)

this was so hilarious!!!!! i loved it!!!! i had to rewind it like five hundred times!!!!
Omg that's my favorite quote I have season 1 so I watch is all the time lol my Speed!! "Drunk-and-Disordelies" lol