What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

Horatio: Well look what the cat dragged in!

haha lol that was funny because he was talking about Stetler, his "best friend" :D
that_girl1 said:
Horatio: Well look what the cat dragged in!

haha lol that was funny because he was talking about Stetler, his "best friend" :D

I hate to be a nitpicker but in this case...I'll pick a nit. I know that quote. It's part of my favorite scene in the season one episode DISPO DAY. Horatio wasn't referring to Stetler he was referring to the IA officer in that episode...Jack Seeger. He said that to Jack when he saw him. Don't believe me??? If you've got the DVD, watch the episode. It's the last scene in chapter 2.

I want to add 5 lines from that same episode-DISPO DAY.
These first 3 are the last 3 lines in the scene that "Look what the cat dragged in." line came from.
Horatio: Jack. (Jack stops walking and turns back to face Horatio) You miss being a real cop?
Jack: You're just full of them today, aren't you?
Horatio: You have no idea.

These next 2 lines take places in the first Frank and Horatio scene after that^^ scene.
Frank gets out of the elevator.
Frank(referring to reporter Enrique Reyes)(to Horatio): I saw your friend out front. Guy thinks he's Tom Brokaw.
Horatio: If he's Tom Brokaw, I'm Elliot Ness.

:lol: I think that Horatio line about "If he's Tom Brokaw, I'm Elliot Ness." is the funniest line Horatio has ever had.

[2nd edit]
Another good Horatio from that episode. Last scene in chapter 4 on the DVD.
Horatio(referring to IA officers)(to Jack Seeger): You guys couldn't find your ass with both hands.
Double :lol: :lol: on that line.
no he was actually talking to Stetler when he saw him in the crime scene where the police car was
i think it was in 'The Oath' but he was talking to Stetler and im positive becasue i just saw it :D
Well then the line was recycled. Because in DISPO DAY Horatio DEFINITELY said it to that IA officer...Jack Seeger.


A little something about CSI: Miami.
Jack Seeger-(played by Nick Searcy) is the only other IA officer that has been on the show. And it was just that one episode-DISPO DAY.
I KNOW. I KNOW. I'm double posting. But look at the time of ^^that^^ post. Now look at the time of this one. Over 24 hours.
Anyway, last night CBS showed the season 4 episode FREE FALL. Frank had a set of 3 good lines right together. Here's what he said...
Frank: Police report says you left the keys in the ignition outside the bank. Did you leave your brain in the glove compartment, too? I mean, who does that?
I was like this :lol: after that.
I love this one from Dispo Day

H:this cocaine did not come from Haiti
Speed: noit unless Haiti is in the middle of our crimelab

i love Speed's line it's so sarcastic and just a classic Speedism!!!!!
i was watching Game Over and i loved the conversation between Alexx and Eric

Alexx:liver temp at the scene but the boys time of death at about 1am and if you don't get out of here you're gonna be next. *Eric smirks at her* and find me that foot!
This is another of my Fav from Entrance Wound

Calleigh: "You know it's bad enough when you're at that awkward stage between boy and cold-blooded killer, but it's even worse when Grandma's kiss links you to the scene."
Here's one of my favorite Calleigh lines. From the season 2 episode HURRICANE ANTHONY. I love this whole scene but I'll put the line in bold type.

Calleigh: Hi, guys. Bye, guys.
Eric: Hey, Calleigh. I, uh, heard you busted the stereo man.
Calleigh: Hey. I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is.
Speedle: Yup. He was a bad guy.
Calleigh: You know. Maybe not all bad.
Speedle: I think the mob would disagree about 1.5 million times.
Calleigh: Yeah, but you know what I was thinking? If he hadn't stolen from the mob, then he never would have become a beach bum in Florida, and then he never would have gotten picked up by the hurricane, and if he hadn't have gotten picked up by the hurricane, he never would have hit Burton's car, and if it wasn't for hitting Burton's car, Burton would've gotten away with murder.
Eric: Leave it to you, Calleigh, to find something good to come out of a hurricane.
Calleigh: They do alleviate global warming.
*Calleigh smiles and walks off*
Speedle(to Eric): She's, uh, way too cheerful.

And here's a good Horatio line from the first 4 minutes of ^^that^^ episode.
Horatio: So God exhales, and everything goes sideways, huh?
I like this one, it has Speedle, Losing Face. :p

Calleigh: "When did you ever work a bomb scene?"

Speedle: "I happen to read books."
^ Yeah i remember that one. :p

This one is great, made me laugh out loud.

Stetler: It isn't my job to be liked.
Horatio: Mission accomplished.

(burn) :lol:
aww, carolyn took the "god exhaling" quote out of my mouth, er, fingers ;) that's one of my favorite quotes ever, you just beat me to it :p

anyway, here's two more quotes from season two that i love. from "the best defense":

eric: according to the vic, this cowboy came through the front door, guns blazing.
speed: i wonder if he tied up his horse.

...speed kills me every single time he opens his mouth. he's just too awesome :D

and from "bait":

horatio: alexx, was she bleeding before the attack?
alexx: let's see. [she pulls back the dead woman's clothing.] she was bleeding all right. entrance wound, shot at close range. the shark must have finished what someone else started.
horatio: so we have a different kind of shark. [he pauses, stands up, and places on his sunglasses.] the human kind.

...this is a.k.a. horatio's cheesiest line ever :lol: but we love cheese, don't we? i laughed for DAYS thinking about that line :D
Sorry about that. :(
I was watching that episode, HURRICANE ANTHONY, when I posted that "God exhales" quote. It's one of my favorites too. ;)
Anyway...Here's a good Calleigh line and a good Horatio response from the season one episode DISPO DAY. First the Calleigh line.
In front of the Calleigh line and the Horatio line I put what the DVD timer read when they say these lines.

Horatio: How you feeling???
(DVD timer 32:27)Calleigh: Like a hummingbird on 6 cups of coffee.

:lol: Funniest line Calleigh has had.

Now the Horatio response.
(1 minute 20 seconds later)
Horatio, Eric and Frank are at the tile place. Eric is breaking tiles to test them to see if they're made of cocaine.
Tile place owner: Come on, that's a marble from the Avellino Province. Do you have any idea how much one of those cost?
(DVD timer 33:47) Horatio: About half as much as 2.

:lol: Now that was a classic Horatio line. And, in my own little opinion, it wasn't cheesy.
that's okay, carolyn. just don't do it ever again. (i'm kidding, i'm kidding! :lol:)

today i come bearing frank tripp quotes, because frank is the source of all wisdom, as we all know :D

this one's from "shootout":

horatio: frank. i understand that you and ramon have some history.
tripp: yeah, i've been arresting this guy since he was about yea high! you're getting' up there, ramon. are you out of your teens yet?
ramon morales: twenty-one.
tripp: wow! we're talking adult diapers with your crowd. congrats on still breathing!

and this one's from "one night stand":

tripp (to a guy who's reporting his wife missing): tell me again where you mislaid your wife?

...tripp rules the universe. seriously. :D