What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

It's like sailing on a sail boat that uses just the wind in its sails to propel it forward. Well, a tailwind is a wind up in the atmosphere-(the clouds). If a plane is lucky enough to get in one it helps push the plane forward faster than without one. Mac said "Could've used a tailwind." because a tailwind would've pushed the plane forward faster and got the plane with Mac on it to Miami faster.
Hope that helps.
You're welcome.

Now here's a whole short scene of some of my favorite CSI: Miami quotes. This is from the season 3 episode GAME OVER. This is the scene where Alexx comes up and calls Valera by Valera's first name-Maxine.

Alexx: Hello, Maxine. Maxine?
Valera: Oh, Dr. Woods!
Alexx: Hi.
Valera: Hi. Uh, sorry. No one here ever calls me by my first name. Almost forgot I had one.
Alexx: No worries, honey. Sometimes... Hey, you smell that?
Valera: I've been smelling it all afternoon. It's like...ew.
Alexx: Exactly. Should only smell that way in my building.
Ryan comes up to them. Alexx turns to him.
Alexx: Hey, Ryan, you want to help me in the garage?
Ryan: Sure. What's in the garage?
Alexx: Decomp.

Now, excuse me. I gotta run over to the BLOOPER THREAD. The closed-captioning on this episode made a goof on what Alexx said on one of Alexx's lines. :lol:
Need4Speed said:
this one from Hard Time it just cracked me up!!!

Speed:you got turrets or something man?

I just laughed hysterically!!!! It was so funny the way Eric shouted and Speed's reaction is priceless!!!!!!!

What episode is that from?
season 5 ryan wolfe quotes for y'all today! because we need more season 5 quotes around here, and i just love ryan ;)

this one's from "come as you are":

ryan: that's okay. the challenge keeps us frosty. it's the CSI way.

this one's from "man down":

suspect: clavo said he was gonna give me a hundred grand, i'd finally get to pay my car off.
ryan: you put a bullet in my partner's brain. i don't give a damn about your car.

*sighs lovelornly* wasn't he absolutely wonderful in that scene? :)

this one's from "just murdered":

laurie atherton: throw the book at him!
ryan: mrs. atherton, the book's gonna hit you too.

...for some reason, i just thought that was hilarious. :lol:

and of course, how could i leave out his speech in "kill switch":

ryan: look, my time here has been, uh... it's been really fascinating. it's been great, but there's some place else i think i gotta be. there are men and women who put themselves in harm's way every day. it's their lives for ours, and for them, it's not something that they do. it's something that, you know, they are. now i'm not gonna try and make myself sound so honorable, but i took an oath. i took an oath to protect the people of miami, and i was born to be a cop. and uh, i think i lost sight of that along the way.

*more sighs* i just loved him so much when he spoke these words. "born to be a cop"... of course you were, babe. :D
you forgot one of the best ones!!!!!

Ryan:that must have been one kinky party! (Broken Home)

and the entire Man Down quote was very compelling and sad. you only put part of it, but here's the whole thing for those who want to read it all.

Ryan: You shot my friend!!!
Suspect: Clavo said he was gonna give me a hundred grand, I'd finally get to pay my car off.
Ryan: You put a bullet in my partner's brain. I don't give a damn about your car.

i just loved the part where he says "You shot my friend!". after all that hostility between them he still calls him his friend. awwww.
inthewind if that ain't the truth!

Peter Elliott: Hey, are you OK? Field Agent told me about the Leo and Sienna thing on the bridge. Crazy stuff.
Calleigh Duquesne: Word travels fast. I'm surprised you're willing to set foot in our lab with all the information leaks around here
Peter Elliott: If you're referring to our fraud case, I'm sorry.
Calleigh Duquesne: You knew that bank was part of our investigation and you said nothing.
Peter Elliott: The bank closure was in front of a Judge. If ownership found out, they could have blocked it. There was too much was at stake, Calleigh.
Calleigh Duquesne: We're on the same team.
Peter Elliott: I know that. But right now your lab has a credibility problem. We have to be careful until it blows over.
Calleigh Duquesne: I don't think this is gonna blow over. Everytime I see you, there's a new reason not to trust you. Excuse me.
Ryan Wolfe: I thought Peter Elliot was helping us?
Calleigh Duquesne: He is. At my Request.
Ryan Wolfe: Doesn't want to get his, uh, pretty suit dirty? Where is he?
Calleigh Duquesne: I don't know. Maybe he's emailing Quantico. Having lunch with his fiancée.
Calleigh Duquesne: [Examining a manual typewriter] The model comes with a bullet.
Wayne Leonard: Is it new or old?
Calleigh Duquesne: It's old enough.
Calleigh Duquesne: Great! So we're working together on this one.
Peter Elliott: You called, Cal.
Calleigh Duquesne: For an expert opinion. Do not try and big foot my case.
These are from the season 4 episode OPEN WATER.

Frank: Damn it.
Eric: That's never a good sign.
A few seconds later in the scene. Frank doesn't want to help Eric search the bilge, the garbage and the sewer on the cruise ship for the missing girl named Rebecca Farraday.
Frank: Jessop. Come here. I got a job for you.
Eric: Yeah. Come on, Jessop. (quietly to Frank): Nice move, Frank.

Later in the episode...
Alexx wants Calleigh and Ryan to search the rest of the shark's stomach contents.
Alexx: Ryan, honey. Procrastinating is only gonna prolong the agony.
I like this quote:

Jake: I let you take me down, you know that, right?
Calleigh: Oh, that's right, let's see...you were first in our class, the academy star... Only scared of failure
Jake: I mean you coulda been first, if you weren't so distracted by that guy you were seeing. What was his name? Oh yeah! That was me!
from 05x02 "Going Under" :lol:
i love this one.

Ryan:i'm glad you're ok.
Calleigh:thanks babe
(Going Under...i think)

Ryan:Calleigh Duquesne, large and in charge. large meaning your reputaion, not you, uh you look nice today.
Calleigh:nice save.

i just loved those two major *SQUEE* sorry, CaRWash moment over....

Speed:One minute, you're running the world and, the next, you're in a six-by-six (body count)
need4speed, i do believe the "rio" quote actually went like this:

ryan: calleigh duquesne, large and in charge... by large, you know i mean in terms of your reputation, and responsibility, and... you look very beautiful today.
calleigh: well, that's a... that's a nice save.

...but i agree, it was a nice moment, for us shippers, that is ;)

and now some quotes involving natalia, because she needs more lovin' around here :)

this one's from "one of our own":

(to cooper, about 'the way the feds operate') "you've seen too many tom clancy movies."

...hilarious! did they ever show cooper's face when he found out who the mole really was? :lol:

this one's from "going under":

eric: natalia, you don't need to ask permission to work a case, okay? matter of fact, the more you ask, the more we think you can't do it.
natalia: then get out of my way.
eric: that's what i'm talking about.

i love this quote because that's the natalia we all know and love :) or well, the natalia that i love, at least. she who moves forward no matter what...

and this one's from "if looks could kill":

eric: steve carry a cell phone?
natalia: he's a model, he probably lived on one.

and i like this one because it sounds like something i would say :D you gotta love sarcasm.
totally love that one
- dead woman walking -

Delko heads for Speedle and Calleigh.

SPEEDLE: What's up?
DELKO: The guy said my exposure was equal to what a pilot gets on a flight to Paris.
CALLEIGH: Well, next time, take the trip to Paris. It'll be easier on all of us.
DELKO: Tell me about it. I heard radioactivity can cause temporary infertility.
SPEEDLE: So, you and your girlfriend are temporarily in luck.
DELKO: Yeah, or permanently screwed.
DE SOTO: Hey, heard you were worried about having children. This should keep you safe. The bell rings if you get near radiation.

SPEEDLE: That was nice.