What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

Here's another Speedle line from the season one episode Losing Face. Followed by my wacky idea of the link between it and the season 3 episode Lost Son.

(talking about high end toupees using French lace)
Speedle: Lace on a rug? Well, shoot me if it comes to that.

Maybe those guys who shot Speedle had bugs and video cameras hid in the lab when Speedle said that. They remembered seeing and hearing Speedle say that is the real reason they shot him. They thought he was wearing a "rug" made with "lace". :lol:
Of course, that's just my wacky idea or imagination, if you prefer.
I've got two fave quotes:

Ryan when he falls next to their suspect w/ a pix ax (i think) sticking out of him

Ryan: "I hate this case."

and Horatio talking to an IAB officer in Dispo Day

Horatio: "Do you miss what it's like to be a real cop?"
?: "You're just full of it today, aren't you?"
Horatio: "You have no idea."
Don't think I've seen this one here.

From 'Dead Zone" (although it was obvious the scene was set up to accommodate the line):

Mrs. Betancourt(treasurer hunter's wife) viewing exotic mounted fish w/Horatio):

"My husband likes to mount all his trophies"

:cool:Horatio: "I'll bet that makes you feel special" :lol:
From Lost son.

H: Now tell me what car it was and DON'T make me get down there and measure again!

A typical "H is so cool" scene :p
Suspect: How was heaven when you left?
Yelina: Great, God told me to tell you hello.
Suspect: Did he also tell you I can save you some money? Full tank , half price
Yelina: What? The owner giving away some free gas?
Suspect: I'm offering you a business proposition.
Yelina: Nah I don't want the gas.
Suspect: It's half price. Your cash for my card. Here's my card.
Yelina: How about my card?
*takes out the badge*

God that scene had me in stitches! Still so when I rewatch it, even if i've already seen it 20 times :p
yea that was funny. i liked this one:

Calleigh: I cannot believe I took a bullet for you
Jake: What are you talking about? I can't believe I shot a man for you
Calleigh: I'm the one in pain
Jake: I've got the emotional scars
Calleigh: You're not losing any sleep over this
Jake: Maybe you're right
Calleigh: What'd you say?
Jake: You're right, Calleigh
Calleigh: It's nice to hear
Jake: Gotta admit we are a good team
Calleigh: We have our moments
from 05x09 "Going, Going, Gone"
this is from Speed Kills

*Alexx lifts up the sheet on a dead body*
Ryan:*in freaked out shock* Alexx, where's his head?
Alexx:I'm processing it
*She goes over to the pot and lifts the head out*
Ryan:*in digust* you're boiling it?

I just burst out laughing at that scene!! Ryan's expression was hilarious!!!!! and Alexx was just sitting there smirking ! it was so funny!!1
I don't really remember the episodes title but I do remember that Speed and Eric are prosessing a scene in a jail cell. I think it's the one when Stuart Ottis and the other guys escapes.

Speed: Where were you? :confused: I like called you three times already and you didn't pick up?! :confused:
Eric: Sorry, I had my phone on vibrates. I was kinda busy.
Speed: Busy with what?
Eric: I was busy with my hands that's all! :devil:
Speed: You mean your left one? :devil:
Eric gives Speed a look.
oh that's Body Count! you have it wrong though(but that's ok :D) , it went like this......

Speed:where were you? I called you three times.
Eric:Had my phone on vibrate, I was, uh ... a little busy.
Eric:Didn't want to be interrupted.
Speed:Busy with the left hand?

And i don't mean to be critical but if i want to be a CSI when i graduate from college i've got to be :D

Jim Tigerfish: What the hell is this?
Speed: That's a warrant to search the premises.
Jim:For what?
Speed:For items looted from an air-crash site. What'd you think, you were going to sell them on e-bay?
(Golden Parachute)

Stetler:I suppose i owe you an apology.
H:the man you owe an apology to *Whispers* just left the room.

that one made me go "OH what now?! he just told you!"

*Looking at a body*
H:that looks like a bandaid
Alexx:could've preserved something, I'll get it to Trace
H:Maybe dead men do tell tales

I instantly thought of POTC when H said that line!!!

Ryan:New mafia, my ass! (From the Grave)

Ryan:That must have been one kinky party! (Broken Home)

Ryan:I have a keen grasp of the obvious. (Hell Night)

i love this one it's hilarious!!:

Eric:'Artie's Adult Playground?'
H:Do you know Artie?
Eric:Do you know Artie?
H:Just go to the address, Eric.

HAHA!! Hmmm i wonder how H knows Artie? :devil: LOL!!!!!
Horatio Caine: Gentlemen, may I?
Lawyer: Be kind, Horatio.
Horatio Caine: As always. All right, now, Pedro, the gun we found in your room has tied you to two murders.
Lawyer: But possession doesn't make my client the killer.
Horatio Caine: We also have your skin cells on the tourniquet you used.
Lawyer: ALLEGEDLY used.
Horatio Caine: Allegedly used.
[turns to the Lawyer]
Horatio Caine: Now, are you going to rebut everything I'm saying?
Lawyer: Yes.
Horatio Caine: Excellent

Calleigh Duquesne: Why fill in the number? Why not just sand it all the way down?
Tim Speedle: I don't know. Maybe it's a guy thing.
Calleigh Duquesne: What? They'll add on or cover up, but they won't mess with the chassis?
Tim Speedle: You know what, you're scaring me.

I can't remember exactly how this goes but in The Curse of the Coffin at the end when they are talking about curses and stuff and Eric seems shocked that Calleigh doesn't believe in Santeria and she says that she believes in Karma and Ryan thanks whoever put the coffin away and neither touched it and Calleigh says that wouldn't be very good Karma when Ryan asks if they are playing a joke on him.
Plus Calleigh looks really cute sitting on the counter like that.

Oh and of course the Killer duck line from A grizzly murder.
Here are lines from the CSI: Miami episode FELONY FLIGHT and the second half of that crossover...the CSI: NY episode MANHATTAN MANHUNT.
Both scenes from both episodes involve Horatio and Mac.

Mac steps out of the elevator.
Mac (walking towards Horatio): Lieutenant Caine.
Horatio (extending his hand to shake hands with Mac): Detective Mac Taylor.
Mac: Could've used a tailwind.
Horatio: No worries.

Horatio steps out of the elevator.
Horatio: Mac. Heard there was a break in the case.
Mac: Stella already has you on speed dial, huh?

These are my 2 favorite Mac and Horatio scenes from that 2 part crossover.