What are some of your favorite CSI:Miami Quotes?

Omg! Great quotes you guys! Keep 'em up! :lol:

Here has got to be one of my favey H lines ever! It comes from the epi "Innocent".

Stetler: Congratulations, you bagged the porn king, his lawyer and the killer, it's not a bad week's work
Horatio: I guess it's not good for you Rick, unless you've arrested any Police Officers.
Stetler: It isn't my job to be liked.
Horatio: Mission accomplished.

oh here's another funny one from Wet Foot/Dry Foot

Eric:Ha. Lovely. I just got a look at that tiger shark in the cooler. Liberal eaters, like Speedle. They'll eat anything as long as it's alive.

HAHA i just loved that one!!! eric and Speed are always making fun of each other. that's why i love S1 and S2 so much!!!! also for the fact that H's oneliners DON"T SUCK!!!! after S2 they just get really corny. it seems like he lost some of his edge after Speed's death. hmmmm..i wonder if that had anything to do with it???
One that I always laugh at is in the epi "Rio"

Ryan: Calleigh Duquesne, large and in charge...and by large you know I mean in terms of your reputation and...reponsiblity...and...you look very...beautiful today.
Calleigh: Well, that's a...that's a nice save.

I thought that part is flippin hilarious! :lol:

I happen to love this quote from Death Grip:

Speed: "Well, that's different."
Calleigh: "Someone's been doing yoga."
Worker walks in: "Do you guys have a stapler?"
Calleigh: "No, but you are the third one to ask in the last 10 minutes. Do you want us to burn you a copy?"

:lol: Love it.
i love the one in 'Wet Foot/Dry foot'

Horatio: Speed!
Speed: Yeah!
Horatio: What does it say on the stern?
Speed: Luna Nueva. Moon new.
Eric: It's "New Moon."
:lol:i just love that one its funny!!:p

and the one that Horatio said in 'Rush'
Suspect: I've been in the hot seat before.
Horatio: Then get comfortable.

i loved that one!!
i was like o0o0 he told YOU!!:lol:
In Double Cap:

Hoartio: "We are being detoured into the land of make-believe."

And in Three- Way:
Ryan: P-R-A-D-A
Shawn Kimsey: That spells expensive.

Hoartio: He is a liar. I just dont know what the lie is yet.
ooh here's agood one!!! from Double Cap

Eric:(to Speed) Hey, there's no way you're getting out of processing this hotel room with me.
Speed: Why would I try to do that? I love hotel rooms. Body fluids everywhere.

i just laughed at Speed's sarcastic tone!!!!! I just love it when those two are in scenes together, it's like a "smart ass comments" party :D
from the epi 'If Looks Can Kill'
Jason Hollings: No way!
Frank: Way!
when I saw that i just busted out laughing!!
Frank is just to funny!
haha i alos like this one from Tinder Box (i think)

H:well he forgot the most important thing about Miami.
Speed:which is?
H:We never close!
From Episode Pro Per
H: Drive by...MIami Style

From Under the Influence
Y: A suicide?
H: I don't think so.... you don't spend thousand of dollars on clothes...that you never gonna wear

From Rampage
Guys for Mala Noche: Lieutenant Caine
H: You help me and i help you
Guys for Mala Noche: You're already dead brother!
H shot him
H: Join the Club

*pops in*

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from 'invasion'

eric: so you have his name and address.
cashier: in the system
[long pause]
eric: could you check that for me? please?

the way he said it cracks me up, like he's thinking "duh!"