Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hello Everyone!

I have to apologize that I haven't made it to my intro before this, but I got sucked into the vortex of the shipper site - specifically Yobling :D - and have only now come up for air...

I have been a huge CSI fan from day one and still can't get enough of seeing the episodes over and over again. I am looking forward to getting to know you all better.

Let the games begin! :)
I'm a new member, just came across this site and decided to join in. Uhm, wondering, how do you get a picture up for your default? Do you have to be Premium? anyways, thought to drop a hello to everyone, and if anyone wants to say hi or something in the communication media, just drop a message. bye.
Welcome sheri as a new member you need 100 posts to get an avatar, as a Premium Member you do not have to have 100 posts. We ask all members to read the "Help Guide" for tips and info, and there is free food by the door, again welcome and have fun. :)
:D Welcome CSIChick25 you are not alone, and its perfectly normal. May I suggest some food, and a drink, then hop on over to the "Help Guide" for tips and info to help you out. :)
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie on here too. I love CSI and Alias apparently. I was wondering how do you put a picture on your display name.
You have to have 100 Posts once You do you save a pic to a Photobucket account (or something like that) then copy paste the Link
*smiles* by the way Hi ,welcome to the forums
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