Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi, my name is Nikki and I'm a addict. A CSI addict. Don't worry, though, I'm not dangerous! I'm getting help. :D
Welcome to all New Members Glad to see you here, we ask that you look at the "Help Guide" tacked up here because it contains alot of info that is important, not to mention there is free food by the door. :) Have fun.
Hello my name is Mark and I just joined tonite.I am glad to be here.
hi everyone,
im new here and want to introduce myself to y'all i am a big fan of crime scene investigation vagas and i think nick is just a darlin, i would love to meet some new friends who also like C.S.I....
Hello all...
I've been visiting the forums for a while, mainly hunting down spoilers since eps take months to be shown here and I have no self control :p
Now I've conquered some spare time online and the very first thing I did was come register.

Funniest and smartest forum ever :)
Brilliant that you decided to sign up, DeProfundis. A warm welcome to you and to all other new folks.

Please read the "Help Guide... that's tacked up on the first page for all sorts of useful information for enjoying this forum.

Enjoy. Cheers. :)
Welcome all newbies :D I'm glad that even during the summer we get so much new members!
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