Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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hey :D
I just want to thank all of you for writing down lots of helpful tips and hints to places to look and mostly I´m really really happy to be here because everyone seem so friendly and nice to eachother *yay*

Thanks :D
Hey Lique! Welcome to the board! :D Yeah, everyone around here is pretty friendly. Glad you are finding the helpful hints and info ok :)

Hope you enjoy posting here!
Re: Another Newbie!

Destiny said:
All types of food think of the food, and poof its there, and if you want it calorie free, think of it calorie free and poof it is. ;) its magical in a way. :)

Re: Another Newbie!

I'm a newbie too!
I'm Shilo, and I love CSI
my favourite character is Catherine and my favourite episode is "Grave Danger"

Welcome to all the newbies! Have fun @ the lovely LV-board! And now I'm off to bed, 11.03 pm here. Sleep well everyone!
Welcome all new folks to the LV Forum. Please read our Help Guide... for needful information on enjoying yourselves here.

Cheers and enjoy! :)
Re: Another Newbie!

Willowsgirl15 said:
I'm a newbie too!
I'm Shilo, and I love CSI
my favourite character is Catherine and my favourite episode is "Grave Danger"


Welcome to the parlor said the spider to the fly ;)

Heehee, couldn't resist. I LOVE Catherine a whole big bunch, other then Grissy-kins she's the best character on the show. Gotta love a woman who looks good no matter HOW her hair looks ;)
Oh, Ducky sometimes forgets that LV forum exists and well, two days I've been off in south :p seeing ESC winner and stuff :lol:
Man, I've read Hodges thread, but never post there... :(

Should really grab some time and visit there better

Hiya I'm a newbie! name RocketScientist 'cos I am! I am also married to one (- has lovely beard like someone we know). So geek love can happen. I have been reading the site for yonks and just signed up 'cos of that GSR bedroom scene! finally. Great move to - you cannot top Grave Danger (nor Bullet) so don't try - throw in a curve ball that keeps the fans taking! V clever.
Love the website.
Hiya RocketScientist! Love your username! :D (I'm a science nutter ;) )

Welcome to the board. Hope you enjoy posting here :)
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