Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hey, I'm Jesse.
I love CSI LV to pieces, though I'm not too keep on Miami & New York.
I live in London.
So, Hi :]
Hi, i'm Becky
Im from the UK, i LOVE csi las vegas. Borrowed the DVDS from a friend now can;t stop watchin it. Started to watch a few because i fancied Grissom lol (don't ask). Now i just love the show in general and all the characters.

So hello
Hello everyone.. I'm Rene from DC. You can see a part of my face in my siggy pic.. a friend made that for me lol anyway I'm a huge fan of CSI especially Warrick. It's a pleasure to be here and I look forward to many fun conversations!

ps. today is my birthday
Hey Rene. Gotta admit Warrick is hot but i perfer Greg. I'm Liz by the way and i hope this accout will last longer than my other ones cause somthing happens and it doesnt let me sign in again...
Hi peeps, I'm new, my name is Ashley, but u can all call me ash. I live in Ohio, and am in love with CSI and Billy Petersen. I dont like Miami and NY as much as LV, but they're ok. I also introduced myself in the 'The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 5' thread.
Well, since I've managed to already torque off needmorecsi, I figure why not go all the way and make everyone else mad at me. I'm over on another thread trying to figure out the system and by a stroke of lousy timing I manage to get two posts back to back. What was worse is that the two posts weren't even related, they just happened to be timed so close together that no one else posted between them. On the first post, I created my own post as a reply to the topic of the thread. The second was supposed to be a reply to someone else's post, but I didn't get the quote to work correctly. As a result I was told I was "spamming." I could wax poetic about how I was SysOp of message BBS's like this while most of the people on this board were still filling diapers, and was assembling computers while their parents were still in elementary school but I won't go quite that far. We also had a little forgiveness in our hearts for "newbies" who were still learning the system and didn't smack 'em down while they were learning the ropes.
Welcome Jesse, Becky Rene, Ashley and CaptainJack.

And CJ... We take spamming quite seriously :lol:

I guess the main reason to tell right away "you are spamming/this is spamming" is to make it stop asap. I mean, you cannot always know don't they know how to use something or do they just want to ignore the advice. So I think we just try to get "newbies" on the right track right away.

And personally I rather like replies to all of the posts you want to reply are in one post and not like first post reply to user #1 posts, second (seperate) to poster #2 post etc.

Then you can always explain to the moderator why you did what OR if you are not happy what Moderator has done, you can post about it to QSF forum, what is at the bottom of the page.
Welcome to all the new folks. Please note if you need help in the first post of this thread (page 1) there are some links to help you, food and drinks by the door, happy posting. :)

CaptainJack I have looked at the thread you are referring to, it was an honest "new person" mistake and it happens from time to time, as long as it doesn't become a habit then no harm no foul. We do give new members a chance to get use to the way things works, but there are times when people will give you a heads up on things to help new folks out, it seems to me that the person who said that most likely trying to be helpful but should have added a bit more as to why but didn't.

Generally everyone will tell you the ones you would have to worry about would be either myself, TallyHo or the admin (of the forum) when it comes to giving warnings (official or unofficial) while other moderators may give you helpful advice (like DaWacko has above) in the end it would be up to us on how its handled.

I doubt anyone is mad at you and we do recognize mistakes and as i have said as long as it doesn't become a habit, then that is all it is, we all make them at some point, as long as we learn from them is what matters.

Hopefully this has been helpful to you, and anyone else who might run into this problem in this forum. But please keep in mind what we might let slip here may or may not be let by in other forums, we all have different (but similar) ways of dealing with different things.
Wouldn't it be really difficult if we considered ourselves as gods who are never wrong :p :lol:
:D we were (though i don't know now) likened to being a god, now whether someone forgot to finish that sentence :lol: i don't know nor am i sure i want to. :)
Hey! My real name is Brittany. If you couldn't already tell I'm a grissom/ heather shipper. I'm currently writing a fanfic about them. I'm old enough to drive, but not to drink, and thats all I'll mention about my age. I've watched CSI vegas sice the beginning, but don't watch the other ones that much. I'm really good at art. I also love to play music and attempt to sing. I think thats just about it so I'll stop rambeling.
Welcome Brittany I'm definetly with you on that ship (I never used to be but a number of things changed my opinion so now I"m full fledged) anyways welcome to Talk You'll love it here
Welcome Brittany. Although I am on the GSR ship, I'm open to other's opinions. I am pretty new myself, but I think you will like it here. I know I do! :D
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