Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Welcome Lexi and Rosemary :) I hope you like the board

CJ, I guess us mods sometimes forget to breath in and count 10 before posting :) I'm glad things are working now.
Hello :) I'm a newbie whose been reading for a while, but has decided to take the bull by the horns and post aswell..

I am totally addicted to all 3 CSI's (though my fave is the one and only original LV! :D )Own all the boxsets and love Gil :) Look forward to chatting to you all
mouse27, I should warn you... There is a moderator on these boards whose user name is Cat. So be careful, pull up a keyboard, grab some calorie free virtual cookies or muffins from the corner, and have fun in the nut house.
Welcome uklcsiaddict and meandmac. I'm sure you guys will find something to suite your tastes. Have fun posting here!
Big welcome to uklcsiaddict and meandmac! *hands out cookes* It's always nice to see some new faces. Whenever new people join, the board gets a little spark.

Also welcome to everyone else that joined!
Welcome to all the new board newbies and the most recent Laskari. Enjoy your stay!

P.S. Don't eat too many virtual cookies, youll gain weight. :lol:
Welcome, to all the new folks, to the board, hope you enjoy your time here, and if you have questions we suggest you try the links in the first post on page one, and go from there, Snacks by the door. Talk to you around. :) *Wave*

Also there is a Poll (about Information/help tips) Stickied up don't forget to vote in it. Thanks. :)
Hello, I'm a long time lurker, first time register... I actually tried to register earlier (it was on my list of New Years resolutions) but let's just say computers are not my friends! I'm humbly glad to finally be here.
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