Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Hi,I'm Debbie from Taiwan.I love CSI,of course.
I've introduce myself in "General CSI Discussion".
maybe someone has known me:)
Hey everyone!
I'm a girl from Hungary, my name is Zsófi, I'm 16, and I love CSI, especially Catherine. I made some fanarts and music videos that I'll post to the prefer section. I'm sure I'll enjoy being here! :)
See ya all!
WillowsWannaBe per the rules of the board, banner sizes are Max 220 wide by 75 High, please adapt your signature banner accordingly. Thank you.
I see now that I have made a great error and my introduction should have been here. I can only apologise and beg your forgiveness and indulgence for my spurious post ....hardly an auspicious start....my apologies
No problem ccchicane its all been taken care of. Welcome, and if you need any help i recommend reading the first page, first post, of this thread, it has tips, and links to help out. :)
Weeeeeeelcome all newbies!
Good to seee there's lots of 'em :D Now take your time and remember to check all places of talkCSI *does little Misc promotion* :D
WELCOME to all newbies! Good to have you here with all of us. If you have any queries about enjoying this Forum, just holler out and someone will come running.

Cheers. :)
Hey everyone *waves*

Well my name's Sarah and i'm a newbie of course, from the South East of England. Where unfortunately we don't get the channel CSI is shown on...which sucks. Also means you'll probably hear me complain about that many a time. Thought i'd better warn you! :D
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