Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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whoa. you know i just realized i haven't introduced myself yet. just noticed this forum existed! must look more carefully next time. anyways, i'm leafsgirl as you all can see. i'm pretty new, been posting a bit the last week or so. have to admit i'm a GSR shipper, but i love all the characters all the same. especially greg. see you in the forums! :)
welcome leafsgirl!
Now that hockey season ended too early for Leafs, you have come to right place :D

hi i've lurked here a while and have finaly decided to register. i'm a GSR shipper but change my mind allthe time. 've tunred my entire dorm into CSi fans to every tuesday (in n the UK) ten of us sit around shoutign at the TV!
hi i'm hollie .. i just kinda figured out about this so i decided to join. my best friend and i are HUGE CSI fan's ..

PS. im definately a SANDLE person
HI, I'm Heather. A real newbie :)
I have posted replies to several posts. My spelling tends to be off a little so I don't mind if you correct me.
I'm a HUGE Grissom fan! WP is SO HOT. I do love the show overall. I'm trying to write a fan fiction story and I've made two attempts. This is a great forum for discussion.

Thanks everyone
thanks Tinkerbell and DaWacko for the welcome. so sad the leafs are finished for the season, but thank goodness i have CSI to help with the loss. btw, welcome newbies Laurensidle, hollie and hhunter. see you all in the forums!
Welcome to the board Everyone, hope you have fun, please remember to read the rules that are listed in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum, free food by the door. :)
Laurensidle , hollie and hhunter welcome to talkCSI!

leafsgirl, I hope you've found your way to Misc since there's "I'm Canadian" and "hockey" threads :p :lol:
Sandle_Luver Welcome to the board, hope you have fun, regarding your signature, please read the rules that are listed in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum, reference "banners/Signatures" we ask that you adapt your accordingly. Thanks, and again welcome, free food by the door.
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