Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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SpeedAddict if you are having a problem, click on either my nic or TallyHo's nic and then go down to "Send Private message", and let us know what the problem is, though I do recommend reading the "Help Guide" that is tacked up in this forum, it might answer some questions.

If you mean introducing yourself, just go through and see how others have done it and then add your flare if you want and tada. :)

Welcome to the board, free food is by the door!
Welcome to all spankin' new folks. If y'all need any help etc in this Forum, please holler out and someone will come running.

Enjoy. :)
Wow, lots of newbies. Getting crowded in here. We might have to build on to the virtual lobby. Need more room for the virtual snacks.
Hi all. I'm a really big fan of CSI:LV and i've infected my housemate with it. We quite like the fact that Nick was stuck in a box and have now nick-named him nick-in-a-box so we know which greg we are talking about ;)

I'm a big fan of Gil Grissom too, he is quite attractive which is quite disturbing apparently!

Anyway, I hope I havn't scared anyone :)
Welcome AboutPaula hope you have fun, regarding your signature, please read the rules that are listed in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum, reference "banners/Signatures" we ask that you adapt your accordingly. Thanks, and again welcome, free food by the door. :)
welcome all newbies! I'm glad you found this messageboard! So jump in threads and have phun :D
I am so glad that this site is here. Now I don't seem so much of a fanatic. Everyone in my school thinks that I am absessed with the show. But the show has opened my field of interest. Now I want to be a Forensic Science Tech.

Also Nick and Greg are so HOTT ;) I was in love at first site.
I am so glad that this site is here. Now I don't seem so much of a fanatic. Everyone in my school thinks that I am absessed with the show. But the show has opened my field of interest. Now I want to be a Forensic Science Tech.
Also Nick and Greg are so HOTT ;) I was in love at first site.
Hi...my names Michele. First time visitor, but the site seems really great! I am a huge CSI: Vegas fan. I am glad I found this site. :p
Hi, I'm a newbie and I didn't realize there was a separate intro thread for Las Vegas, so I made an intro here too. CSI:LV, is the bombest, and the only CSI series I watch. I think it is absolutely kablamo (synonymous with cool in my world)! I'm glad I have found a new show to capture my attention. :)
Fugacious Welcome to the board, hope you have fun, regarding your signature, please read the rules that are listed in the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum, reference "banners/Signatures" we ask that you adapt your accordingly. Thanks, and again welcome, free food by the door.
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