Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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Fairlight11 , welcome to board :)
I hope you like the board

and needmorecsi... who said we don't bite? :eek:

Wait... we are not allowed to bite other members? :eek:
Fairlight11 said:
Whew! That's a relief. Though I was looking forward to being interred under the lab. ;)
Not that. But the next time Grissom wants to try the fungus test...

Welcome to the nut house. Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
Well, I'm not exactly a newbie, but I haven't introduced myself yet, so...
I'm Luna, I'm 19 (or better, I'll be in a few months) and I live in Milan. I'm a CSI:LV and CSI:MIAMI addicted (can't stand NY) and my fav charcaters are Sara and Calleigh (actually I like the most of the others, I just don't like Catherine very much and absolutely hate Yelina). I think that's all... Great forum, anyways! :D
Welcome Hanne, have fun, CalleighDuCaine, youre not new indeed, i've talked to you at the Sara Sidle/Jorja Fox Picture Thread #2, but welcome!
DaWacko said: and needmorecsi... who said we don't bite? :eek:

Wait... we are not allowed to bite other members? :eek:
That would be on page one of this thread :) where it says You're mods are Destiny and TallyHo we don't bite, it's not allowed :D

What can i say that is what we were told. :lol:
LMFAO Nope thats just in here umm i believe, remember we have the "Meanie Mod" thing, sometimes worse then biting. :D
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