Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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DaWacko said:
Fairlight11 , welcome to board :)

and needmorecsi... who said we don't bite? :eek:

Wait... we are not allowed to bite other members? :eek:

You can bite :)

I was trying to relax the newbies, but they'll learn soon enough :)
But I'm a duck...I don't bite.. I nibble!


Oh come one all newbies, don't be scared! :)
RoosCSILover said:
The Moderator-gang is having fun, peepz! Lol.
Well if we can't have normal fun, then torchering memebers seems like a nice second thought. :lol:

Hmmm nibbling did you sharpen your bill lately ducky? :D
hello fellow csi geeks ^^ i might be new to this board but my love for csi is unfathomable. xD anyways, i'll see you guys around!
Oh welcome elanor_fields! I hope you like the board :)

Pssst D, can I now nibble newbies because I moved to the white side? :lol:
:lol: hmmm Nope Sorry now being white you have to uphold that rule even more, LMFAO but you can stare at them like their dinner. ;)

Welcome to all the New folks, have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out on the first page of this thread (first post). Don't forget to vote in the Help/Information poll, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board. :)
Hello i'm new to the boards. I'm from the UK. And i love CSI Vegas and Miami. Am yet to watch New York though. Anyway, hope to see you all around =D
Welcome to the board oXoXGillXoXo and X_lea_X
have fun and if you need help don't hesitate to ask, we have links and tips to help out on the first page of this thread (first post). Don't forget to vote in the Help/Information poll, otherwise again have fun and see you around the board. :)
Newbies! I love em'! Welcome oXoXGillXoXo (can I call you Gill?) and X_lea_X. *hands out cookies and pizza*

And welcome to all other newbies too.
Woo yay cookies!!!! Thanks for the welcome... and the food ^_^ much appreciated =p

Erm, could someone tell me where I go to ask questions about the board, and what certain things mean? Thanks x-x
Hey there :)
I've been looking around the board the last few days and I must say I already love it :p
Seems you guys are all really nice people *g* (or at least I hope so...^^)
x_lea_x said:
Erm, could someone tell me where I go to ask questions about the board, and what certain things mean? Thanks x-x
If you go to the Main Index, you will see a description of each of the board's forums. One near the bottom is called Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback. This is not for questions about the CSI TV series, but rather about the message board itself.. You might also take a look at each of the other forums to give you an idea what goes into each section. Hope this helps.
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