Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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hey there!

i've been a fan of CSI since forever and i have discovered this great site through a friend of mine, who i'm hoping will read this post hehe! i've also come from a forum somewhere out there but i don't wanna talk about them so now i'm here!

hope to meet you all soon...
Welcome to the nut house, rubberfaith. Forget the rest now that you found the best. There are virtual cookies and muffins in the corner that are calorie free, fat free, and price free.

Oh, by the way, there are tips and links in the first post of this thread, and links on the top of each page to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Pull up a keyboard and have fun.
Welcome to the boards Rebekah and rubberfaith, I hope you enjoy it here. Help yourself to a cookie Destiny and Tally are always well stocked up - which is why I'm always here! :lol: :p

I'm Gillian and I've been a fan of CSI from the start. Got all five seasons on dvd and have started rewatching as we haven't got season 6 yet. I am a huge Catherine fan.
WELCOME- rubberfaith- cool name-- ;) ;) ;)so glad your here and yes we won't talk about the "other place'' you'll love this fan-site everyone is so nice --and the moderators are fair-neutral and balanced like it should be- ;)have a blast -and also welcome to all the other newbies ;)this is for you rubberfaith :p

Tinkerbell said: Help yourself to a cookie Destiny and Tally are always well stocked up - which is why I'm always here! :lol: :p
Hmmm and i thought you stopped by to see us? but its only for our snacks? :p *kidding* Heck i tend to come back for the snacks to, err and the posters of course. :lol:

Welcome All New Folks enjoy your time here and if you need help there are tips, and links on page one, first post (for now), and if you can't find what your looking for just ask.

Also don't for get to vote in the "Help/Information" poll that is tacked up.
I've been lurking here for a while, but just made my first comment. I'm happy to be here. :D
Yeah, I've noticed that, too.
Well, there's nothing to wonder about:CSI (and the spinoffs, too) are very popular here.
Hi all! I'm so glad I stumbled upon this message board!!
A little about me; I've recently become obsessed with CSI Las Vegas... I watched it casually in reruns on SpikeTV, but since my brother got me the 1st season for my birthday, I'm completely engrossed!!! I've bought and finished the XBox game and I'm looking forward to getting the rest of the seasons as soon as I can! :D
A very warm welcome to all new folks that have joined us here in the LV Forum. We're happy to have all ya'll with us.

Enjoy. :)
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