Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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you were too late, I already scoffed them all =p

Thank you Dynamo.. I found the place.. much appreciated =D
oXoXGillXoXo and X_lea_X and Night Welcome to all of you. :D
I see that you're all enjoying the virtual cookies and chocolates. Have fun! :D
It feels so strange being without an avatar XD I guess I just have to write these 100 fast lol
Do I get some coockies too?
Welcome to the board, Might I add in that Ducky is right about posting, slow and steady is better, quality over quanity, is good advice to keep in mind. ;)
Thats good to hear again welcome, snacks by the door, helpful tips and links on page one, first post, and please vote in the "Help/Information" poll that is tacked up.
Hi everyone, my name is Sam (short for Samantha) and I just joined. I've been watching CSI for a couple of years now. I've been getting up to speed on the series watching reruns on Spike TV (thank the gods for DVR!) and I'd say I've seen about 70% of the series by now. Still come across episodes that I haven't seen or can't remember. :) I like all the characters equally, don't really have one that's a huge favorite over the others.

Wish I could stay and chat, but gotta get ready for work. Be back in a few hours! :) *passes out Hershey's kisses* Enjoy these while I'm gone!
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