Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

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HoratioAndMe said:
*pops head in*

I've got the munchies. :p
:lol: You always got the munchies thats why we call you HAM well that and because you are a ham. ;) *tosses some cookies and rice crispy treats* :lol:

Welcome to all the new folks right now if you need help give a yell or check out the tips and links on page one first post. Also don't forget to vote in the "Help/Information" Poll stickied here. *Waves*
Welcome all newbies! :) Great to have you with us here in the LV Forum. If you need any help enjoying this Forum please ask and someone will come running.

Help yourselves to the eat treats and beverages so kindly supplied by a whole bunch of folks in our LV community.

Yummy, thanks D! I'm on a sugar rush today :p.
It's good to be a Ham. Especially if this ham is the one doing the eatting and not being eatten :).
My name is Melissa and I am new to the boards. I began watching CSI last year and have watched almost every episode thanks to the DVD sets and Spike TV. I am all about LV and do not watch the spin-offs, I am travelling down the road called obsession and have recently began reading fanfic. I would be lying if I said I wasn't any sort of shipper, I have become interested in the idea of Grissom/Sidle. Hope to have many great discussions!
Welcome, Melissa to this forum and to the boards. So glad you found us here :)! Be sure to check out the board rules and I'm sure you'll find a certain thread in 'Shipper Central' rather interesting. ;)
Hi, my name's Renny and this is my first register here. Still am a bit lost and disoriented, but I'll make it. Besides, everyone seems very friendly around here...;)
Hi, I'm Rebekah

I've been a CSI fan for a while now and have recently discovered both CSI NY and this wonderful site (mostly because exam time is coming up). I hope to talk to you all sometime
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