Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Yaya another H fan. H rox!. Oh yha. Lol. Im hyper today. Welcome! To hamstermoon! Hehehe.
Im a Newbie here,
Im a Emily Procter fan !!
She is absolutly amazing, shes beautifull, kind, sweet, sexy... etc.
I would love to join this forum..
So here I am haha

Welcome to the boards HoratioManic & Calleigh x hope you enjoy it here. Were all very nice here! :lol:

As Lucy & EB are off line at the moment (I don`t want to step on toes ;)), I feel I should just mention that Calleigh x your banner is a bit to big, the rules for signature`s is the banner should be no larger 220x75, and you can have either a banner or text. ;) :D
Hi Calleigh___x (Angela!) and a very warm welcome to the Miami Forum! Very glad that you found us. :)

Thanks Tinkerbell for mentioning the banner size - if you could just do the necessary adjustment please Calleigh___x , and also choose between banner OR text. Thanks.
Welcome, hamstermoon. Hope your library carries the CSI paperback novels in the mystery section.

I am Gaby Reed, 22, and I was born and raised in New Orleans but have since relocated to Texas with my famiy. I've viewed all of the shows but prefer Miami to the other because of Horatio, and I like the Yelina/Horatio chemistry.
Hi Gaby and welcome to the Miami Forum! I hope you enjoy it here and please make yourself at home! :)

May I wish you all the best with your relocation too - it was truly devastating to see what happened in New Orleans.

EDIT: Your reasons for preferring Miami are the same as mine! ;)
Welcome, Gaby it's always great to have another one on board... and another H/Y fan too. :)

Good luck in Texas, the nation and the world is pulling for you guys.
*peeks in and waves* all guys....I'm Rose and I'm new the the Miami board..I watch it every Sunday on A&E and Mondays on CBS's I'm still catching up on the show. Some of my faves are Erik, Calleigh and Speed [I miss Speed] I also really like Ryan too...I really hope that Erik and Calleigh hook up soon, there's a lot of heat there. I hope to get to know many of you here.

Gary Dourdan : a work of art :
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