Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

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Welcome to talkCSI AngieCSI! I hope you enjoy to be here.

You get avatar by choosing "My home" from the up, where is all "seach" and "main index" etc.
Then go to "personal information" and there you see it :)
First, remember to upload it to your own webspace, like Photobucket, Imagestation or something similar.

But, you cannot have your avatar until you've made 100 posts.
hey guys. i was at work (Blockbuster) & the preview for Robots came on and the music in the background was the theme song for Miami. i was so excited. i sing along every time i hear the preview
lol i want to work at blockbuster....and i want to see that preview now lol
well i live in toronto so i don't know if the previews are different elsewhere
nah they're all pretty much the same. I live in Alberta and its all the same here ;)
Hey everyone. What's shaking?

Anyway, I've watched the first two seasons of Miami and I'm now downloading episodes from season three. However, I have a question: Some episodes that I have watched do not appear in the episode guide. One of them is an episode where a model suffocates her boyfriend, and then strips for Speedle when he wants to take a picture of her cut.

Any help would be appreciated.
First, welcome DanTheMan!
Second, talks about downloading is a nono in this board.
Thrid, that episode you described is episode "Grave Young Men" from season 1.
Hi DanTheMan and welcome to the board. Hope you have a great time here!
It doesn't disturb me, it's in the Board Rules

As a fan site for a television show, intellectual property is an important topic for us. We cannot legally or morally condone tape-trading in episodes or downloading episodes online, and do not allow discussions on this matter. Any other copyright violations will also not be allowed.

For MSN contacts, we have Contact threadin Miscellaneous so go there and ya'll get a bunch of new friends :D
Hi from rainy London.

I'm a dotty dyslexic librarian newbie who has been seduced and swept off her feet by CSI:M and have a soft spot for CSI:NY.

Find this most strange as being librarian I'm one who usually doesn't watch TV and spends most of her time reading books!

Horatio fan (of course) but think the team effort is excellent and I am developing a soft spot for the new boy.

I also think they should come over here into the UK and make an episode in London too - might be fun and we could have jokes about the weather, food and driving on the left.

p.s. Nearly got run over by a Hummer the other day, someone owns one near where I work and I walk past it sometimes!
Welcome hamstermoon to the Miami Forum. :)

I think an episode in London would be a great idea. 'Friends' pulled it off nicely, so why not CSI:M. It would certainly make for an original episode!

Anyway, hope you enjoy it here. It's great to see new members and H fans. :cool:
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