Was Danny abused as a child?

But how exactly would he react? I don't know much about psychology, but if he does somehow subconsciously blame himself for his abuse (assuming that he was abused), or thinks that he deserved it, how would he see someone else who was currently, or in the past, gone through it?

You're right, we wouldn't know exactly how he'd react at all, though I do think it's a safe bet to say he'd react emotionally in some way or another, even if it was to totally shut down. I don't think he'd know quite what to think of the situation--if emotionally he does in some way think he didn't deserve to be treated well, then to be faced with a similar case where he obviously wouldn't draw the same conclusion (ie, Danny would never look at a child or someone else and think he/she deserved to be abused) would probably be very jarring for him.

How exactly would that come out? I'm not sure. Anybody got a guess? I could see displaced anger--Danny would be very upset by it, which in some part would be just in reaction to the general horror of the case itself, and in part be perhaps an underlying anger about how he was treated. Just a guess, though. He could shut down completely and be totally numb when dealing with the case.
Can you imagine the concern the others would have if he suddenly had a case like that and just completely detatched himself from it? Handled it rationally in an eeire, calm, totally detatched manner? It's the only thing we've yet to see Carmine portray and I'd bet he could pull it off and give everyone watching the chills.
Can you imagine the concern the others would have if he suddenly had a case like that and just completely detatched himself from it? Handled it rationally in an eeire, calm, totally detatched manner? It's the only thing we've yet to see Carmine portray and I'd bet he could pull it off and give everyone watching the chills.

To be honest, I think that would be the freakiest and scariest reaction of them all. How would Mac and Aiden in particular handle it? I think Aiden would know something was wrong right away, and it probably wouldn't take Mac all that much longer to catch on. And as a defense mechanism, it makes sense. No anger when questioning suspects, no frustration when the evidence is misleading or confusing...it would be so un-Danny-like. But maybe that would be the only way he'd be able to handle it.
I'd like to see it myself. He's so emotional and expressive, to see him totally shut down would be disturbing.
I think Aiden would definately notice straight away if Danny had a mental shut down. Mac would follow and then the others.

I think a case will hit a little too close to home for Danny and it will all come to the surface.
I think Aiden would definately notice straight away if Danny had a mental shut down. Mac would follow and then the others.

I think a case will hit a little too close to home for Danny and it will all come to the surface.

Yeah, I think Aiden would notice immediately. She seems to be pretty good at reading Danny. And though I don't think she would say anything to Mac, I think he'd pick up on it fairly quickly.

If he was abused, then yeah, it definitely has the potential to hit too close to home.

Why am I suddenly in the mood for another fanfic? Ah, this too shall pass.

But it will pass you mean after you write the fanfic, right? ;) :D
Yeah, my sig's from "Hangin' Around". I'm at fanfiction.net under the name A.S. Kessler

And Top41, that a hint? ;)
ahhhh, my relaxing time away from work, otherwise known as the crazy time :lol: I tell ya, the spring and summer are the worst time for kids, they really seem to get into more trouble then! just deliberate deviant behavior.

anyway, my time now is Danny time, hmm It would be interesting to see Danny detached and unemotional, and downright creepy.
Now, as for the breakdown...I think they could tie everything together. If Danny was abused as a child, how would he cope with working on a case that involved an abused child? A child that's been beaten or something terrible like that. That could bring on a breakdown for Danny...certainly we know he would react to it emotionally.

i think a nice way to develope that would be that danny would help that kid and throu helping him he could work out his own issues.
i don´t think he could handle a brakdown, the writers really need to cut him some slack in season 2.
i think a nice way to develope that would be that danny would help that kid and throu helping him he could work out his own issues.
i don´t think he could handle a brakdown, the writers really need to cut him some slack in season 2.

i agreee on some levels that the poor guy has been given a nasty ole time on the show, and if he were a real person he'd probably be going right off the deep end but unfortunately i like seeing my fave characters being pushed to their limits (not because it shows their tru nature, ime just a nasty person who enjoys danny angst to the extreme)

the only thing with him having a case that somehow reminds him of something that happened to him is that they've done it before witht that whole gypsy cab driver fiasco, and he kinda dint have a breakdown but he went a bit skitz at various people throughout the episode. He's just an angry ball of sexy angst ridden cuteness :D
i agreee on some levels that the poor guy has been given a nasty ole time on the show, and if he were a real person he'd probably be going right off the deep end but unfortunately i like seeing my fave characters being pushed to their limits (not because it shows their tru nature, ime just a nasty person who enjoys danny angst to the extreme)

Yeah, I'll admit, I enjoy the angst and drama, too. Danny really does bring it in, and I guess I'd like to know why. Why does he personalize everything? Why is he so sensitive? It's kind of interesting to ponder.

the only thing with him having a case that somehow reminds him of something that happened to him is that they've done it before witht that whole gypsy cab driver fiasco, and he kinda dint have a breakdown but he went a bit skitz at various people throughout the episode. He's just an angry ball of sexy angst ridden cuteness :D

Yeah, that's true, they have done it before, but then, Danny makes a lot of his cases so personal that it wouldn't be out of character at all for him to do it again. He just gets very emotionally involved with so many cases--"Outside Man," "On the Job" (for obvious reasons), and "Crime and Misdemeanor" (for less obvious ones, beyond that he seems determined to figure out what happened to the guy).

Yeah, my sig's from "Hangin' Around". I'm at fanfiction.net under the name A.S. Kessler

And Top41, that a hint? ;)

What, me, hint? ;) I'm good with the subtle, aren't I? ;)