Was Danny abused as a child?

Welcome to the forum, noodles! :D

I think you're right about Danny's demeanor; I've noticed it too. Especially in "Crime and Misdemeanor" when Mac is dressing him down, and also in "On the Job" when he hangs his head. He's very tense when being confronted, kind of like he's physically expecting to be hit, even if logically he knows it's not going to happen.
I reckon Tanglewood has something to do with it. The bloke who got arrested in it the one who said something like: "Danny Messer works here" may also have something to do with Danny's behaviour too. Maybe Danny was abused by both his parents AND the tanglewood boys. Danny's the only one who knows the truth........................

Thats what i was thinking, too. In the episode Tanglewood, the boy who wanted to join the gang was betrayed by the others when he killed the drugstore owner guy. Maybe after Danny started running with the gang, he was asked to do something, like the kid in the episode, and he was betrayed by the people he thought were his friends. That would be a kind of abuse, i would think-it would certainly be a good foundation for his issues with trusting people that care about him. Maybe he doesnt want to make the same mistake again with the CSIs that he made with Tanglewood...

All theories tho...only a few more months until Tanglewood, Pt 2 :p
now that could be an interesting context he got seriously bullied into becoming a tanglewood boy and they wont let him out of it mac could then turn out to be a hero and save him and get him out after all we avent seen him shirtless so he could have the tattoo
^ thats very true. (a reason to see him shirtless, although that's for a different thread) It does sound plausible. All of it does.

I agree that he can't keep still. It could either be due to mounds of energy or nervousness. I'm betting on the latter.

Welcome noodles by the sounds of it you'll fit in just fine. :D
definately could be cause after all we dont no what has happened, and im guessing its all got something to do with the tanglewood boys, and that hes living on a knife edge
The Tanglewood episode definitely shun some light on wether Danny was abused or threatened in some way. He seems sort of disturbed at the last scene where Mac took the Tanglewood boy away.
Hi i'm new, but yeah, i agree, i think he got abused, his whole demeanor is to me, that of some one expecting to be hit.plus he's like this ball of nervous energy, always ready to run almost! I wouldnt be surprised if it came ou that Danny got abused by a parent, or seriously bullied, he's just so...on alert i suppose, its hard to describe, but you giys know what i mean, the boy is never still, even standing still, he'll be doing something with his hands!

I've noticed he seems to be the most fidgety when he's interviewing people or outside. When he's in the lab with the white coat on he seems to be a bit calmer. Maybe he feels safe in that environment but vulnerable everywhere else.
He definitely does seem more comfortable in the lab. It's isolated from the world and mainly solitary work. He does seem more comfortable interacting with others in the lab, but then, it's a limited, small group of people. Danny knows his stuff, too--it's less likely he'll mess something up in the lab than somewhere else. He seems more confident when analyzing things in the lab.
^ yeah he does seem more comfortable in the lab than out. I've never thought about that before.

When he's out of the lab he's out of his comfort zone, so nervous perhaps.

I too think the tanglewood gang definately have something to do with it. Its probably been mentioned but perhaps they threatened him in some way.