Was Danny abused as a child?

Well I headed down to the local library to try and find some information on why Danny does that whole piss Mac off rountine when he so obviously looks up to him. The library isn't all that big so choice wasn't large but I found a book called Rescuing the 'Inner Child'- Therapy for Adults Sexually Abused as Children by Penny Park. Now although the title says sexual abuse it does cover all forms of childhood abuse such as emotional and physical. It mentions that victims can do something called 'self-sabotage', sometimes this is subconscious.

"The abuser removes not only innocence but also trust, which is an essential building block for a child's emotional development...Many remain fixed at that level of emotional development, as though the trauma put a stop on time. Adult information and knowledge are added as they grow up, but the underlying guilt, fear and inadequacy remain and govern much of their decision making...The governing power of these feelings is seen in the compulsion to (self) sabotage such happiness as comes their way...The burden of guilt demands punishment."

Basically she says that victims don't believe they are worth the love, promotion or whatever and so set it up so people prove what they are feeling. It turns into one of those vicious circles. For example, they don't believe they are loved and continually ask 'do you love me?', this gets annoying and the person turns round and tells them to stop asking that every few minutes, which reinforces the victims believe that they are not loved.

To try and turn that round to Danny's case, it could be that he didn't think he deserved to be promoted (he certainly didn't look happy at the end of 'Outside Man').He disobeyed Mac, so Mac had to tell him off and Danny could then think 'see, I was right'.
can i ask... iv been watching CSI n am on da HUSH ep dats da last 1 i saw... n well yea he seems insecure bt i dnt fink he was abused or is dat just me being overlooking ??nyway i dnt know much bout his charactor plz fill me in bout his background!!!!!
Well I headed down to the local library to try and find some information on why Danny does that whole piss Mac off rountine when he so obviously looks up to him. The library isn't all that big so choice wasn't large but I found a book called Rescuing the 'Inner Child'- Therapy for Adults Sexually Abused as Children by Penny Park. Now although the title says sexual abuse it does cover all forms of childhood abuse such as emotional and physical. It mentions that victims can do something called 'self-sabotage', sometimes this is subconscious.

"The abuser removes not only innocence but also trust, which is an essential building block for a child's emotional development...Many remain fixed at that level of emotional development, as though the trauma put a stop on time. Adult information and knowledge are added as they grow up, but the underlying guilt, fear and inadequacy remain and govern much of their decision making...The governing power of these feelings is seen in the compulsion to (self) sabotage such happiness as comes their way...The burden of guilt demands punishment."

That really sounds like Danny. His lack of trust is so extreme that this could explain it. Look at Stella--if anyone's going to have abandonment issues, it's Stella. She lost both her parents (and a sister) and was raised in an orphanege. But Stella is a very secure and strong person. Danny, on the other hand, can't trust even those closest to him. And even when he seeks approval, he almost purposefully does something to mess it up.

Basically she says that victims don't believe they are worth the love, promotion or whatever and so set it up so people prove what they are feeling. It turns into one of those vicious circles. For example, they don't believe they are loved and continually ask 'do you love me?', this gets annoying and the person turns round and tells them to stop asking that every few minutes, which reinforces the victims believe that they are not loved.

Again, that sounds like Danny. Look at how he asked Mac if they were okay at the end of "What You See...." Most adults wouldn't feel the need to do that. For one, they'd know they probably weren't yet. For another, they'd wait for more time to pass and ask at a time when the incident could be discussed.

To try and turn that round to Danny's case, it could be that he didn't think he deserved to be promoted (he certainly didn't look happy at the end of 'Outside Man').He disobeyed Mac, so Mac had to tell him off and Danny could then think 'see, I was right'.

Good point--he didn't look happy about the promotion in Outside Man. He was upset about the case--Danny obviously takes pretty much everything hard, he's so sensitive--but he didn't really light up when Mac mentioned the promotion. He also didn't have much of a reaction to the news that he was off the grid when Mac told him about it in On the Job, almost like he didn't expect he'd get it in the first place.

trueshellz, a lot of these eps may not have aired in the UK yet. The Dove Commission, Crime and Misdemeanor, On the Job, and What You See Is What You See are the most relevant episodes. As well as some of the earlier ones folks have mentioned.
ok so i was thinking about something else to do with the Ep Outside Man at the end when Danny is talking to Mac he says:

"I can't wrap my head around it, Mac. You get up, you go to work, see the people that you know, you talk, you laugh. You're living your life, then suddenly, boom. It's just over. Just like that, and you never even saw it coming"

I don't know that thats word for word what he said but do you think his mother was taken from him suddenly maybe not like the extreme in the episode but maybe he was thinking about her too?
ok so i was thinking about something else to do with the Ep Outside Man at the end when Danny is talking to Mac he says:

"I can't wrap my head around it, Mac. You get up, you go to work, see the people that you know, you talk, you laugh. You're living your life, then suddenly, boom. It's just over. Just like that, and you never even saw it coming"

I don't know that thats word for word what he said but do you think his mother was taken from him suddenly maybe not like the extreme in the episode but maybe he was thinking about her too?

It's definitely possible. It's kind of funny...Danny's the only one who's really had extremely emotional reactions to cases. Stella gets frustrated in "Creatures of the Night" when she can't find enough evidence, but Danny is the one who reacts emotionally to cases. "Outside Man" and "Dove Commission" are two good examples. I guess Mac got pretty emotional in "Blink" but that seemed to have more to do with his wife's death.

Anyways, I'm drifting but I think Danny definitely personalizes each case. His emotions are just so close to the surface. It's kind of a wonder he's been able to handle the job for five years without having a breakdown.
Speaking of breakdown, does anyone think that Danny will eventually have one?

what is very unfortunate for Danny is the fact that he is unable to seperate his emotions and his job. If I acted the way Danny does in that job, I would be a mess.
I think he's headed for a crash of some sort. One of my fanfics had the crew (Stella, Aiden, Flack) betting on what he'd have first: ulcer, stroke, heart attack or nervous breakdown. :lol:

It'll be interesting to see where the writers go with this next year and how much more information we'll get. It seems like we find out one little tidbit on one of the cast each episode. Should start a running file list on each character of little bits of info that we get each show.
In On the Job in the scene in the restaurant with Flack Danny said something likeI know what its like when the system gets you in there sight. Maybe Danny's mother died when he was young and his father was unable or unwilling to cope with his son. Then social services stepped in and placed Danny in foster care. Maybe the abuse came from his foster parents. His foster parents didnt care about him and told him so. That could lead to Danny falling in the wrong crowd and maybe he got into some minor trouble and his father didnt support him. That would explain the whole abandonment and trust issues, his father left him with theses people who hurt him and maybe Danny tried to tell someone about the abuse but no body believed him. And Danny couldn't trust his father to back him up.
^I think that's a good idea, but because of Sara being in foster care over on CSI, I don't think they'll end up going that route. I think they're trying not to overlap storylines on the different CSI shows--Stella's bio was even tweaked with so that it wasn't too close to Sara's.

Now, as for the breakdown...I think they could tie everything together. If Danny was abused as a child, how would he cope with working on a case that involved an abused child? A child that's been beaten or something terrible like that. That could bring on a breakdown for Danny...certainly we know he would react to it emotionally.
It's kind of a wonder he's been able to handle the job for five years without having a breakdown

I agree. Maybe it's just taken that long to build up though. I know the female characters are stronger than the men on the show but that doesn't mean Danny is a complete push over. Every personality trait is a two edged sword so although things like his stubbornness can be a pain it probably also helps him get through life and not give up.

I think he's headed for a crash of some sort. One of my fanfics had the crew (Stella, Aiden, Flack) betting on what he'd have first: ulcer, stroke, heart attack or nervous breakdown. :lol:

It might be more realistic for Danny to have some sort of mental or physical crash, but then that would mean he'd have to take time off to recover and we wouldn't get to see him on the show each week, so pray the writers don't do that to him. I'm hoping one or all of the team will work out just what is bugging Danny and help him.
I agree. Maybe it's just taken that long to build up though. I know the female characters are stronger than the men on the show but that doesn't mean Danny is a complete push over. Every personality trait is a two edged sword so although things like his stubbornness can be a pain it probably also helps him get through life and not give up.

Yeah, definitely...if he did have something terrible happen to him as a child then he's a very strong person in many ways to be coping and holding down a good job. But it seems like it's getting to the point where he needs to deal with his issues.

It might be more realistic for Danny to have some sort of mental or physical crash, but then that would mean he'd have to take time off to recover and we wouldn't get to see him on the show each week, so pray the writers don't do that to him. I'm hoping one or all of the team will work out just what is bugging Danny and help him.

I think the breakdown will be dealt with in an episode and won't require any time off, though I'm sure he'll get sent to counseling. I think it would have to be Mac or Stella who helps him...Aiden and Flack are his friends but he doesn't really seem to listen to them most of the time. It seems to me that it might have to be someone like Mac or Stella in a position of power basically driving home that he needs help of some sort.
I think the breakdown will be dealt with in an episode and won't require any time off, though I'm sure he'll get sent to counseling. I think it would have to be Mac or Stella who helps him...Aiden and Flack are his friends but he doesn't really seem to listen to them most of the time. It seems to me that it might have to be someone like Mac or Stella in a position of power basically driving home that he needs help of some sort.

Do you think that sort of thing could/should be dealt with in just one episode? I agree that it should be Mac or Stella who help him though. Maybe they should even work together.
I think the breakdown will be dealt with in an episode and won't require any time off, though I'm sure he'll get sent to counseling. I think it would have to be Mac or Stella who helps him...Aiden and Flack are his friends but he doesn't really seem to listen to them most of the time. It seems to me that it might have to be someone like Mac or Stella in a position of power basically driving home that he needs help of some sort.

Do you think that sort of thing could/should be dealt with in just one episode? I agree that it should be Mac or Stella who help him though. Maybe they should even work together.

I hope if they do it in one ep they don't rush it cos it would ruin it. yes i think it should probably be Mac that helps him
Do you think that sort of thing could/should be dealt with in just one episode? I agree that it should be Mac or Stella who help him though. Maybe they should even work together.

Well, I don't think it should be dealt with in one episode, but I think in large part it probably will be, just given the nature of the CSI shows. There will be some sort of traumatic thing that just brings things to a head for Danny, and then the following episodes can kind of deal with Danny, well, dealing with it. But I think if there's going to be a big sort of revelation about Danny's past, it will be addressed in one episode and then the rest will deal with the aftermath.
Now, as for the breakdown...I think they could tie everything together. If Danny was abused as a child, how would he cope with working on a case that involved an abused child? A child that's been beaten or something terrible like that. That could bring on a breakdown for Danny...certainly we know he would react to it emotionally.

But how exactly would he react? I don't know much about psychology, but if he does somehow subconsciously blame himself for his abuse (assuming that he was abused), or thinks that he deserved it, how would he see someone else who was currently, or in the past, gone through it?