Was Danny abused as a child?

I agree with you guys that his life has been full of violence.

Perhaps he's had a lot of people turn their back on him which is why he has trust issues.

I'm not sure.
I still think it has something to do with tanglewood..Atleast i think he doesnt had a good period in his life...I hope we will see more of it in tanglewood-2

Whats happend in Tanglewood then?! I dont understand *maybe it comes because I havend seen that part...going 2 see is tomorrow *sunday* :D *
I would think whatever is in his psych report might be troubling, but not enough to get him fired. I suppose it's possible he might be demoted, or undergo extra training. It would probably have to be discussed further before any action can be taken. Can't wait to see what happens in season two!
I have seen the Tanglewood part yesterday, but is there something happening 2 danny with that tanglewood story in the next part or is the tanglewood case * or something * closed now....
I have seen the Tanglewood part yesterday, but is there something happening 2 danny with that tanglewood story in the next part or is the tanglewood case * or something * closed now....
Well, Dronten, I think we'll find more about what's going on with Danny and this Tanglewood business, in season 2.

Btw, is Yorin doing a summer stop on tv? If so, they're probably going to switch to re-runs soon...which ofcourse means the wait for season 2 will be even longer :(
I would think whatever is in his psych report might be troubling, but not enough to get him fired. I suppose it's possible he might be demoted, or undergo extra training. It would probably have to be discussed further before any action can be taken. Can't wait to see what happens in season two!

ah poor ickle dannykins, it's pretty obvious something is wrong. I canne wait for season 2 happenings aswell
I have seen the Tanglewood part yesterday, but is there something happening 2 danny with that tanglewood story in the next part or is the tanglewood case * or something * closed now....
Well, Dronten, I think we'll find more about what's going on with Danny and this Tanglewood business, in season 2.

Btw, is Yorin doing a summer stop on tv? If so, they're probably going to switch to re-runs soon...which ofcourse means the wait for season 2 will be even longer :(

Yes! I think that 2 about the summer stop!! Poor us!!!:(
But then we have something 2 look for after the summer stop! :p

btw...are you from holland 2 !! Nice :D
And the thing is, Mac is kind of in a postion to confront Danny about it. Danny can walk away from Aiden or Flack--they're his equals and I think he'd just run from it, just like he's done with them in the past (when Aiden asked him about the psych exam, he walked away; he left Flack in the diner, etc.). He wouldn't have the option of walking away from Mac.

I still think Mac should be the number one choice to confront Danny but having just watched 'The Fall', if push came to shove, I think Flack would have the strength to do it. Having also watched him hug his old mentor in front of all those people I think he'd be better than Mac in dealing with Danny if he really broke down. Unless Stella really gets Mac to lighten up I can't see Mac giving Danny a hug.

Danny was also quite pally with Sheldon in that episode. Do you think Sheldon, with all his medical training, might be able to pick up that something went wrong in Danny's childhood?
^Sheldon might, but Flack would be the more likely of the two. Still, Flack tried to help Danny in "On the Job" and Danny was just too stubborn to listen. No matter what Flack said, Danny kept insisting he felt very "alone." I think it would need to be a superior (a la Mac or Stella) rather than a contemporary (Aiden, Flack or Sheldon) to confront him.

I agree that there's no way Danny failed his psych test--he's not unfit for duty by any means. However, that doesn't mean his psych test couldn't be troubling or perhaps have uncovered certain issues Danny has that might be coming up now (like the trust thing, etc.)

I can't believe I forgot to bring this up until now, but another thing that really stood out to me was Danny's interaction with the child molester in "ReCycling." Stella was disdainful and disgusted by the man, as was Danny, but with Danny it seemed to be something more. Danny was angry. And, he personalized the encounter: Danny directly asked the guy, "What? Am I too old for you?" The first time I watched it, the line seemed odd to me, but now knowing all we know about Danny, it seems to fit in with the abuse theory.

Also, Danny was so hostile to the molester that the guy asked, "Does he have to be here?" Notice he didn't react that way to Stella, who wasn't exactly being kind to him. But, she was being professional and not making the encounter personal. The child molester also looked at Danny and Stella differently; I found the way he regarded Danny downright creepy. Danny almost seemed to be daring the guy to look at him, from the hip-badge flash, to the comment he made about being too old, to wiping the sugar-design off the table and leaning in. He also went one step further than Stella in telling the guy he was going to call his parole officer. For whatever reason, the situation seemed personal for Danny.

What do you guys think?
right, which is something detrimental to his well being on the job, no pun intended!

he seems to personalize everything and every situation that he comes across.

granted some individuals that go into social/civil service positions, usually have been victimized, or in the system (social worker), former drug abuser (CADC) (certified alcohol and drug counselor), victim of crime (cop), etc.
for me, it is easier to look at each situation objectively because I haven't had any of those horrific things happen to me.

so in retrospect, TOP you do bring up a valid point about the sexual abuse with Danny. that scene with the child molester just makes whatever Danny's situation that much more intriguing to know.
Yes! I think that 2 about the summer stop!! Poor us!!!:( But then we have something 2 look for after the summer stop! :p
btw...are you from holland 2 !! Nice :D
Well, let's hope we'll at least see some re-runs then, eh?

Yup, am from the Dutch Mountains as well, Utrecht calling, remember? :D
The only thing with the child abuse thing is simply how many damn issues can one character have. I mean we know there is the tanglwood, the gypsy cab driver, the shooting of the cop and so on. So is it really a possibility for danny to have this issue aswell considering the lack of issues the other characters seem to have.

However maybe it's linked in to the tanglewood thing. or the gypsy cab attack thing who knows. Or perhaps the writers are prepared to go into danny angst over drive. But lets face it in that case they may aswell rename the show

"The life, times and bad experiences of Danny Messer."
(btw i wouldn't complain :D)
so in retrospect, TOP you do bring up a valid point about the sexual abuse with Danny. that scene with the child molester just makes whatever Danny's situation that much more intriguing to know.

Yeah, just given what we've seen from him, he really personalizes crimes in general, but in this case, he's not personalizing that this guy might have stabbed the bike messenger; rather, he's focusing on the sexual abuse. His question is really confrontational, and it's also odd because he's basically challenging this guy to look at him, and the creepy molester guy does. Look at how he focuses on Danny in that scene.

The only thing with the child abuse thing is simply how many damn issues can one character have. I mean we know there is the tanglwood, the gypsy cab driver, the shooting of the cop and so on. So is it really a possibility for danny to have this issue aswell considering the lack of issues the other characters seem to have.

Well, to be fair, this would be the issue that explains all of the other ones. After all, the things we're seeing--Danny's anger, his trust issues, his personalizing of cases--those are all symptoms of whatever the real issue is with him. With all of that, it almost seems like there has to be some sort of explanation for his behavior.
Well, to be fair, this would be the issue that explains all of the other ones. After all, the things we're seeing--Danny's anger, his trust issues, his personalizing of cases--those are all symptoms of whatever the real issue is with him. With all of that, it almost seems like there has to be some sort of explanation for his behavior.

i guess your right lol, :D
I can't believe I forgot to bring this up until now, but another thing that really stood out to me was Danny's interaction with the child molester in "ReCycling." Stella was disdainful and disgusted by the man, as was Danny, but with Danny it seemed to be something more. Danny was angry. And, he personalized the encounter: Danny directly asked the guy, "What? Am I too old for you?" The first time I watched it, the line seemed odd to me, but now knowing all we know about Danny, it seems to fit in with the abuse theory.

Also, Danny was so hostile to the molester that the guy asked, "Does he have to be here?" Notice he didn't react that way to Stella, who wasn't exactly being kind to him. But, she was being professional and not making the encounter personal. The child molester also looked at Danny and Stella differently; I found the way he regarded Danny downright creepy. Danny almost seemed to be daring the guy to look at him, from the hip-badge flash, to the comment he made about being too old, to wiping the sugar-design off the table and leaning in. He also went one step further than Stella in telling the guy he was going to call his parole officer. For whatever reason, the situation seemed personal for Danny.

What do you guys think?

I think you've done it again. The evidence is certainly stacking up. It would probably be more annoying now if it turned out Danny wasn't abused as a child, not because I actually want him to have gone through that, but because so much points to it; and the shows tag line is 'everytning is connected' after all.

Like you, Top41, I wondered at the time about the interaction between them and didn't really connect it to this thread. It was rather creepy that when Danny asked if he was too old for the paedophile the man didn't say yes. Maybe he knew why Danny was so hostile - though he wasn't so bad that the man's comment of "Does he have to be here?" was justified - which leads onto your comment on how the man focused on Danny during the scene. In the book I'm reading it mentions how children are often abused by several people because abusers can pick out the vulnerable ones that could easily be abused or have already been abused. It's like that man sensed that to Danny this was personal.