Was Danny abused as a child?

Can you imagine the concern the others would have if he suddenly had a case like that and just completely detatched himself from it? Handled it rationally in an eeire, calm, totally detatched manner? It's the only thing we've yet to see Carmine portray and I'd bet he could pull it off and give everyone watching the chills.

To be honest, I think that would be the freakiest and scariest reaction of them all. How would Mac and Aiden in particular handle it? I think Aiden would know something was wrong right away, and it probably wouldn't take Mac all that much longer to catch on. And as a defense mechanism, it makes sense. No anger when questioning suspects, no frustration when the evidence is misleading or confusing...it would be so un-Danny-like. But maybe that would be the only way he'd be able to handle it.

I think you've all got it down perfect,quick, write to Zuiker and CBS before they mess it all up and just have more emotional Danny. Emotional Danny just isn't getting any help so obviously it needs something completely different to make them realise something is wrong.

I'd like to see the reactions of the rest of the team. I think Mac at least would go through several stages. First he'd be thinking 'thank goodness Danny is being sensible today', then it would be 'why?' and then work his way through being worried to freaked out.
I think you've all got it down perfect,quick, write to Zuiker and CBS before they mess it all up and just have more emotional Danny. Emotional Danny just isn't getting any help so obviously it needs something completely different to make them realise something is wrong.

I'd like to see the reactions of the rest of the team. I think Mac at least would go through several stages. First he'd be thinking 'thank goodness Danny is being sensible today', then it would be 'why?' and then work his way through being worried to freaked out.

I think Mac would be the one to get through to him--Aiden would probably confront him first, but he'd probably brush her off just like he did to Flack in "On the Job." Would make for some more good Gary/Carmine scenes--they're both really intense actors and play well off one another. I think Mac is pretty intuitive, too, so he'd pick up on something being wrong with Danny.
I think Mac is the only one who would be able to get through to Danny. so much has gone on and as a supervisor mac also has that innate ability to see everything as it is, and is able to look at the situation differently than the others would.

Mac isn't stupid, he sees Danny in many different lights and will know when something is askew.
And the thing is, Mac is kind of in a postion to confront Danny about it. Danny can walk away from Aiden or Flack--they're his equals and I think he'd just run from it, just like he's done with them in the past (when Aiden asked him about the psych exam, he walked away; he left Flack in the diner, etc.). He wouldn't have the option of walking away from Mac.
Exactly. Mac's the boss. Plus, Mac could totally take Danny. :lol: I could see Mac calling him a "little punk" if Danny tried to walk away from him.
I think Mac is the only one who would be able to get through to Danny. so much has gone on and as a supervisor mac also has that innate ability to see everything as it is, and is able to look at the situation differently than the others would.

Mac isn't stupid, he sees Danny in many different lights and will know when something is askew.

I haven't seen the episodes where Danny gets into trouble yet (about 22 hours to go til 'The Fall' is on) but from reading all the spoilers I don't get the feeling Mac is sensing anything is wrong yet. It seems at the moment he's just telling Danny what to do and then yelling at him when he doesn't do it, rather than trying to find out why he's being so disobedient.

Oh and Khanada, WRITE THE FANFICTION. There's my hint. ;)
I haven't seen the episodes where Danny gets into trouble yet (about 22 hours to go til 'The Fall' is on) but from reading all the spoilers I don't get the feeling Mac is sensing anything is wrong yet. It seems at the moment he's just telling Danny what to do and then yelling at him when he doesn't do it, rather than trying to find out why he's being so disobedient.

Yeah, I think right now Mac just thinks Danny is being willfully disobedient for no good reason and not following his orders. And he's obviously frustrated. To be fair, it isn't Mac's job to find out why Danny is disobeying him. Right now, Mac just thinks he has a bratty subordiante...if he does try to figure out what's wrong with Danny, he'd be going above and beyond the call of duty. Which of course would be nice--and Mac's a good man, I believe he'd do it--but he'd probably have to have good reason to suspect a problem first.

Oh and Khanada, WRITE THE FANFICTION. There's my hint. ;)

I'm going to be subtle and ECHO THIS!!!!!!!!! :D
Yeah, I think right now Mac just thinks Danny is being willfully disobedient for no good reason and not following his orders. And he's obviously frustrated. To be fair, it isn't Mac's job to find out why Danny is disobeying him. Right now, Mac just thinks he has a bratty subordiante...if he does try to figure out what's wrong with Danny, he'd be going above and beyond the call of duty. Which of course would be nice--and Mac's a good man, I believe he'd do it--but he'd probably have to have good reason to suspect a problem first.

Well agreed it wouldn't be in his job description but I don't think he'd be going above and beyond the call of 'duty' as a friend. I mean, he has personally taken an interest in Danny in the past in that he picked him for the job in the first place and then was pushing him towards promotion. He teased Danny in 'Til Death Do We Part' and I can't remember the episode but I think I remember Danny asking Mac if he wanted to grab a beer together. What I'm trying to say is that Mac isn't a remote boss so I'm abit surprised he hasn't tried to have a friendly informal chat with Danny, or something.
^Yeah, I think he cares about Danny, too. I wonder if the psych exam is a bit of a cliffhanger...if we're supposed to be wondering what's in it. Mac really doesn't say anything about it, and doesn't seem as confident in it as Danny is that it's all okay. I wonder if something the exam came up that is troubling Mac.
I'm guessing that. (saw something in the psych eval that was not quite right).

Mac has lots on his plate right now, Hawkes wants to go into the field and then there is the little Danny situation. plus, his personal life just got a little more interesting...so I am sure in time the writers will further explore what was in the evaluation/Danny/Mac.
I would love to see Danny on Dr. Phil! "Okay Danny, now it's time to get real!"

Hard to say if he was abused. He probably came from a tough area of town, since he and his father once took a gypsy cab, which are known for going to places in NY the regular cabs wouldn't go. Probably full of gangs and other people just looking out for themselves. It's clear he has trust issues, he may have been attacked other times besides in the gypsy cab. And I wouldn't rule out the mob either, since his family was under surveillance when he was growing up. He probably knew a life full of violence as a child. I don't know, that's just my thought. It's been awhile since I took Abnormal Psych and Child Psych too.
anyway, my time now is Danny time, hmm It would be interesting to see Danny detached and unemotional, and downright creepy.

I agree but i also think it would be quite scary to see him like that.
^Yeah, I think he cares about Danny, too. I wonder if the psych exam is a bit of a cliffhanger...if we're supposed to be wondering what's in it. Mac really doesn't say anything about it, and doesn't seem as confident in it as Danny is that it's all okay. I wonder if something the exam came up that is troubling Mac.

I don't know a single thing about psych exams so I have no idea why Mac would be worried about it. I did read somewhere that failing any NYPD test, psych, physical etc, means no job so Danny couldn't have failed it.

Oh Khanada, we're not nagging but encouraging with pertinacious vigour. :lol: You're a victim of your own genius. :)