Was Danny abused as a child?

absolutely... Daddy issues is one way to see it... where the authority figure "issues" come out...

another way to see it is sibling issues... maybe another sibling was favored more than Danny. Perhaps, that sibling was killed, or died somehow, placing the stress on Danny.

Danny seems to draw attention because he has a lot of issues that seem to hinder him. His issues with trust and the tanglewood gang. They're intriguing and make you wonder what the story is behind them.
I don't know...I still see Danny as an only child for some reason. There's also the fact that Stella is going to be searching for her sister (per the Zuiker review) that suggests to me that Danny's issues aren't sibling related.

Plus, Danny doesn't relate to Mac as an older brother. He's clearly looking at Mac as an authority/parent figure. His interactions with Mac are more like a child either seeking approval or trying to rebel, not like a sibling relating to a sibling.
...i've noticed those signs... i get what you mean, i was just putting another option out there...

I don't know...I still see Danny as an only child for some reason. There's also the fact that Stella is going to be searching for her sister (per the Zuiker review) that suggests to me that Danny's issues aren't sibling related.

They could still do a 'Danny having a brother who died' story without it interfering with Stella's search for her sister. Danny is so into family issues on cases I can see him being very supportive of Stella. If they both had sibling issues they could connect on that level. Maybe Danny could be the one who urges Stella not to give up. He could say something like he'd love to be able to talk to his brother again but he can't because he's dead, but if he was just missing he'd do anything to find him.

Top41 , I love your comment about the more we learn the more we want to know. :lol: We're just insatiable.
Poor Danny. Between everyone putting in their two cents about him, his life is the most colorful one that I have seen yet.
...the more colorful he gets, the more interesting he becomes...

...i've noticed those signs... i get what you mean, i was just putting another option out there...


Oh, yeah, and that's totally cool. I think it is possible
that Danny's family history could be pretty much anything at this point. I can't wait to see where the writers take him next season.

They could still do a 'Danny having a brother who died' story without it interfering with Stella's search for her sister. Danny is so into family issues on cases I can see him being very supportive of Stella. If they both had sibling issues they could connect on that level. Maybe Danny could be the one who urges Stella not to give up. He could say something like he'd love to be able to talk to his brother again but he can't because he's dead, but if he was just missing he'd do anything to find him.

I could kind of see this, but I think it would be more of a reason for the characters to bond. At least if Stella's search for her sister is going to take center stage. Not that I object to that--Stella and Danny are my favorite pairing--but I'd like to see Danny's story develop on it's own. Still, this is intriguing.

Top41 , I love your comment about the more we learn the more we want to know. :lol: We're just insatiable.

We are indeed! :D Danny's pretty fascinating...it's only natural that we want to know more. The writers have only themselves to blame for making him so intriguing. Well, and Carmine.
Top41 , I love your comment about the more we learn the more we want to know. :lol: We're just insatiable.
...knowing more is good... seeing more is better... :p

I agree that Danny is the most interesting on the show so far. Carmine really makes you want to know the reasons behind Danny's actions. I.E.:Why he tends to get upset so easily and how he reacts to Mac like a father figure.
yeah... he does many things that make you want to know more...

...stupid writers... write faster!!!

Aw, we can't blame the writers! We love the writers. They bring us the great stories. And they've given Danny tons of interesting backstory. I love the writers.
Yeah, waiting between seasons sucks. Though it gives us a chance to reevaluate some of this stuff and see the eps again. We've come up with a lot of support/evidence for the abuse theory.

my dad's a family therapist... i listen a lot when he teaches at nearby colleges... haha

i have a bit of understanding when it comes to seeing the physical signs of abuse... i just never thought i'd be seeing it in Messer haha