Was Danny abused as a child?

^So do you think it's an accurate read, given what you know from your father? Some of his physical reactions stuck out to me, but I'm no expert.
yes, that's what i've been commenting on... i've had this conversation with him before. we didn't get too deep into it, but he thinks that from the signs of rebellion, withdrawl and childish remarks and behavior are very clear evidence to some sort of abuse.
oh, of course... we have this whole bonding thing with it and the other CSI's... Crossing Jordan... those shows...

...after the ballgame, of course...
yes, that's what i've been commenting on... i've had this conversation with him before. we didn't get too deep into it, but he thinks that from the signs of rebellion, withdrawl and childish remarks and behavior are very clear evidence to some sort of abuse.

That makes me wonder if the writers consulted professionals before drawing up Danny's character or recent behavior. I wonder if Carmine did any research himself. The physical reaction just came off so real. Quite impressive.

I hope the storyline gets handled well next year, and that we do find out what happened to Danny.
that's why before, i complimented him on that... it was because it was so realistic.
Yeah, Carmine is very talented. There's no arguing with that. And I imagine it would be tough playing a character who has been abused--you want to do justice to a weighty situation, but I imagine it means going to a pretty dark place to play that.
"descending into darkness"...

one of Joseph Campbell's traits for a hero...
^Yeah, he's definitely on the descent at this point. I wonder if he can pull himself back out. These are some pretty serious issues. Someone's going to have to break through his complete lack of trust.
Definitely. Poor Danny...it seems that he completely lacks any ability to trust others. Which makes sense if he was mistreated as a child.
So EasetheMoment , does your dad have any comments on how Mac could find out about the abuse, how he should handle the situation and what Danny could do to start sorting his life out?
i don't know...

he could start by looking back at what happened. i will ask him later.
on to get pummled by softballs playing catcher... i'll ask my dad later tonight.
I think Danny will be placed into a position where he has no choice but to trust the others. I'm not sure what that situation would be. Perhaps it'll link back to the abuse thing, like what we've said before with Mac and Danny confronting his abusor.

Maybe Danny's abuse will come into the picture and Danny will become very withdrawn and sudued. He'll loose some of that fighting spirit and that will draw Mac's attention. Its a theory.