Was Danny abused as a child?

i don't know about losing the fighting spirit... but it might die down
I think Danny will be placed into a position where he has no choice but to trust the others. I'm not sure what that situation would be. Perhaps it'll link back to the abuse thing, like what we've said before with Mac and Danny confronting his abusor.

I could see this happening. What if Danny got into a dangerous situation and he had to rely on the team to help him out? If he had no choice but to turn to them, he might see that they really do have his back.

Maybe Danny's abuse will come into the picture and Danny will become very withdrawn and sudued. He'll loose some of that fighting spirit and that will draw Mac's attention. Its a theory.

I don't know...I wonder how likely it is that we'd ever see the person who abused him. It would be interesting--I'm not sure how likely it is. But I do wonder what Danny's reaction would be when faced with that person.
I would love to see a scene where Danny is at a crime scene and he needs back up. When he calls the officers they ignore him as a way of getting back at him for shooting the cop. Danny ends up getting hurt. He could learn that Mac really does have his back when he goes after and arrests the people who ignored Danny's call for help.

As for the way Mac finds out about the abuse I would have Danny's father come in to the lab, maybe he asks Danny to compromise the evidence in the tanglewood case and Danny refuses and his father calls him worthless and they get into a knock down drag out argument and Mac comes in and sees Danny flinch away from his father and he puts the clues together that Danny was abused.
I would love to see a scene where Danny is at a crime scene and he needs back up. When he calls the officers they ignore him as a way of getting back at him for shooting the cop. Danny ends up getting hurt. He could learn that Mac really does have his back when he goes after and arrests the people who ignored Danny's call for help.

Oh, good scenario! I kinda wonder if the cops aren't going to hold what happened against Danny. I could see that happening. And Mac would be pissed.

As for the way Mac finds out about the abuse I would have Danny's father come in to the lab, maybe he asks Danny to compromise the evidence in the tanglewood case and Danny refuses and his father calls him worthless and they get into a knock down drag out argument and Mac comes in and sees Danny flinch away from his father and he puts the clues together that Danny was abused.

Again, another good scenario. I could kind of see that happening. I wonder how Mac would handle it...I kind of think he'd tell Daddy Messer to get the hell out.
I'm really starting to dislike Daddy Messer and I'm not even sure he is the abuser. :)
Yeah, with all of Danny's issues, I can't imagine Daddy Messer was the ideal father. Even if he wasn't Danny's abuser, it's likely he left Danny in the care of whomever abused him. Someone earlier back suggested maybe Danny's father went to jail for illegal activities, and maybe that's what put Danny in the care of the people who abused him. Provided it wasn't his father, that is.
my goodness, what i missed while i was gone...

there are some aspects that i agree with... and i like the scenerio... and i wouldn't be surprized to see something close to it "pop" up...
I figure that what will finally come out of the Danny senario is a mixture of something that many of us had discussed here. I can't imagine that we have left a stone unturned? But then again I say that and boom! it's something totally different.
thats a good scenario adder574. that would be brilliant.

I'm really intrigued to see how Mac will react when he finds out what's wrong with Danny, whatever it is. Will he see it from a boss's point of view or from a mentor/friend/ father figure kind of view? Or both?
you know I am also intrigued to see how Mac will react to Danny and his situation. Mac appears to be fairly level headed, and I know that how he will react to Danny will be appropriate, but intriguing.
adder574, I really like your idea of something happening to Danny at a crime scene because the cops don't repond to his call for help. Mac might not be happy with Danny, but he would be so pissed at those cops letting one of his people get hurt.

I also think something will happen with Daddy Messer showing up at the lab. I could see them getting into it and Mac coming to Danny's defense.
it may seem like Danny and Mac don't get along, but in that situation, i think that Mac would pull through with the right things to ask and say...
my dad and i are discussing Danny's situation as the show goes on... he agrees with us... there was DEFINETLY abuse behind what Danny is hiding...

...it's hard to think of anything else that would cause such a reaction from him both physically and emotionally...
my dad and i are discussing Danny's situation as the show goes on... he agrees with us... there was DEFINETLY abuse behind what Danny is hiding...
Which parts exactly made your dad believe Danny's been abused? Not just the hiding-attitude I don't think? Which other clues gave it away?

I'd love to hear more of your dad's view on this, it's cool to have a professional's perspective on the situation ::thumbs up::