Ups and Downs for the Day

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UP: I start my CBT sessions tomorrow! :D YAY!
DOWN: I have so much coursework that I was given today that is due in tomorrow! Argh!
Also, one of my teachers is completely blanking me! Like, totally and utterly ignoring me! I saw him today and although I am extremely pissed off at him (which he knows) I still gave him a little smile and he just turned his head away from me, blanking me! Men!
And I had no friends at all in school today (or yesterday) so I was a complete loner!

So as you can see it has not been a brilliant day. I am trying to think of some more ups to balance it out a bit...
Up: I'm eating good tasting food right now (or most of it tastes good).

Down: These carrots taste gross and I'm handing in ANOTHER projet late tomorrow.
Down: My cat is such a wh*re. I saw her "flirting" with another cat. Which is the 4th cat Ive seen her with. :rolleyes:

Up: My cat is pregnant with kitties. :D In about a month time. WHEE!
Up: KAZZZZZZZY! It's your birthday! Whooo! (Note the time I post this because a day from now everyone will be all "What kind of Crack is she on?)
(That's right.)

Down: I tried to make my brother pancakes for supper and he told me that my cooking sucks and that he would never eat them anyways. And it made me actually really sad.
Down: I am working on 4 hrs of sleep and I barely got the minimum done from my poetry packet.

Up: I got to spend the afternoon hanging out at borders with people instead of being at home full of boredomness.
Up: This morning I woke up next to my friend and hey, I'm a morning person and well, she just isn't.. but it's sooo funny seeing her so annoyed by me when I start to tease her and be hyper! You should've seen the looks on her face :lol:

Down: Slight headache.. but that may have come from last night :rolleyes:
up: the fact that it's a friday and now it's weekend time!

down: i had double multistrand science this morning and i nearly died of boredom. i also realized how screwed i am for my english assignment.
UP: I have 3 day weekend!!! :D

I have a couple downs today...

Down: my lawn mower is still not fixed, :mad: and now my car windows won't roll down, stupid electric windows!!! :mad: :mad:{be about $400.00 to get that fixed} guess I better put in some overtime when I can. :lol:
My up for the day was painting the backdrop for a play on Sunday at my high school. On Sunday there's a presentation of a bunch of things 4 classes of Art did over the past few months(I'm a part of that) also there's 2 plays. One is the drama club and the other is a Theatre Arts class. I was asked to help a friend paint the backdrop for it. It was so much fun.

But that bad part of the day was running about the whole school trying to find paints, the teacher that was orgaznizing it, missing 4 out of 5 classes and standing on a chair all day. XD I'm unbelievable tired at the moment.
Up: Went to the Hockey Hall of Fame and had a great time. Even got my pic taken with the Stanley Cup :)

Down: Wondered around slightly lost in crappy weather trying to actually find the Hockey Hall of Fame.
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