Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up: My parents left at 5am this morning for some days. Partaaayyyy *woots*

Down: My neighbours already phoned me (it's almost 9am) to tell me the music is too loud :lol: They're nice people though, so I switched it off haha.
Up: I have 8 whole days until my next exam :D

Down: I've been awake for 26 hours and the coffee shop doesn't open until 9am :(
Celtic_angel said:
zippy said:
^^^Quarantine her! Quarantine her!^^^ *sneeze*
I gave Zippy bird flu, I gave Zippy bird flu haha!
Just kidding. I'm feeling loads better. Seriously!
Why are you looking at me like that? I HAD to move that little bird, otherwise its guts would have gotten smushed out onto the path by a bicycle or something!

Ah... bird flu. It really brigtens your day. Finns have waited for MONTHS it to arrive, since it has been found in other European countries and nothing. No matter how much they try, they cannot find it. And the biggest disappointment: Swedes beat us. They got birdfly before us :lol:
Actually, every time me or my family, we see some birds that are moving from south discussion is like this

Mom: look! Swans!
Me: Are the coughing?

Me: I saw some ducks today. I listened to them but they didn't cough.

Anyways... Up: I managed to fix some moofences (fences that keep moos onthe field) and that it hasn't been bad day since it's official holiday today.
Celtic_angel said:
I gave Zippy bird flu, I gave Zippy bird flu haha!
Just kidding. I'm feeling loads better. Seriously!
Why are you looking at me like that? I HAD to move that little bird, otherwise its guts would have gotten smushed out onto the path by a bicycle or something!
Poor bird. You did the right thing but gotta be careful about birds nowadays. :rolleyes:

Down: Triple downs actually. Found out my estranged dad's having some strange sickness and I truly feel sorry for him. Another one is the family car's windscreen broke! My sis was driving and some metal pipe flew from nowhere and it hit the windscreen! Third is electricity cost will increase 12%. Inflation is happening!

Up: pppbbbfffhhhtt....with all the above?? Hardly but coming to TalkCSI helps me to keep the spirit up. :)
Oh no Erin, your downs all sounds so depressing! I hope everything will be okay there. Electricity cost will increase!!?? *shuts lights off!!*
Heh! You're not in Malaysia so no prob. for you Casp. I'm amazed at myself that my mood hasn't gone down to the ground yet. :rolleyes:
Up: Skipping Comm Tech and Math today because my mom rules.

Down: I seriously cannot stand to look at my best friend's boyfriend anymore. And it's annoying me.
Up - Being paid today. :D

Down - Buying a really gross BBQ wrap for lunch, it had far to much sour cream in it.
Up: in a few hours there's CSI and this totally makes my day

Down: I had to study for tomorrow's Italian test and- heck!- I have barely read the book.

Well, the Up makes the Down disappear, so it's ok :D
Up: Talked to actually all my closest friends today :D Hey, my folks are gone so I can use the phone full-time :lol: And going to the pub with a friend later on tonight.. squeee!! I hope we can sit outside to check out people :)

Down: Must.finish.draft.for.essay.. :(
Up: I'm happy cause it's hot outside!..well, let's face it.. i've been happy & grinning like an idiot since the season finale lol :p :lol:
Down: I have to work :(
Up: Found my I -heart- NY T-shirt.

Down: Had lunch with my parents who all at the same time made me feel that my job sucked, I didn't work hard enough at my job, I should work more hours, I should work less hours, I should take all these others jobs, I shouldn't work any part-time jobs, and that I just didn't want to do any sort of work at all. :rolleyes:
It's been lost for almost two years :eek: I screamed when I found it :lol:

Down: I cannot find my "devil" hat and I so wanted to wear it tomorrow :(
Up: Talked to my friend from Thessaloniki, Greece and I haven't chatted with her in a while. Also, I'm going to the u20 Canada-Brazil football match later tonight.

Down: Haven't had a chance to go to the gym :(.
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