Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up: Will fly to Arizona next week to start my new job for the summer

Down: Need to pack clothes for 4 months in one backpack.... thats never gonna work
Up: It rains :D nature so needs that rain! Now it will be even more green :D
And I realised yesterday that I go to Lordi's party in Helsinki on Friday :eek: :devil: need to find my devilhat.

No downs so far
This morning I woke up feeling like the contents of my skull had been dehydrated and my eyes had been scratched at by tiny little rats. :(
Then I had a coughing fit as soon as I got in class and had to go outside - it was REALLY dusty.
And now I can't access my homework - oh joy.
UP : ok work was easy today there were finally no bitchy customers...grrrrrrr they make me sooo mad.

DOWN : i got yelled at by my stupid sister just because i told her not to be racist....awww she is just soo imature i mean she is almost 27 she needs to grow up!
Up: I found my ring!

Down: STILL fighting with roommates, Have project due tomorrow that I haven't started and getting really annoyed with certain people.
UP: Nothing Really
Down: Got into a major fight with my sister. It seems like we either love each other or hate each other no in between.
Celtic_angel said:
This morning I woke up feeling like the contents of my skull had been dehydrated and my eyes had been scratched at by tiny little rats. :(
Then I had a coughing fit as soon as I got in class and had to go outside - it was REALLY dusty.
And now I can't access my homework - oh joy. that flu? Hope you get well soon!

Up: Saw the funniest video in ages.

Down: I'm getting gigglish coz of that. :rolleyes: :lol: :eek:
Ick - maybe it's avian flu 'cos I moved a little dead bird off the pavement the other day so nobody trod on it. AAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGGHHH!
Stay away from me. I might not be safe!
Though I am feeling better, maybe I was just having a bad day. :lol:
zippy said:
^^^Quarantine her! Quarantine her!^^^ *sneeze*
I gave Zippy bird flu, I gave Zippy bird flu haha!
Just kidding. I'm feeling loads better. Seriously!
Why are you looking at me like that? I HAD to move that little bird, otherwise its guts would have gotten smushed out onto the path by a bicycle or something!
UP : I got 100% on my math test and i just started reading a csi book!!

DOWN : in gym class i got all sweaty and i fell over and skinned my knee!!!
Up: I have a new best friend! Someone who I actually have things in common with! And I resolved major part of fight with my roommates.

Down: I just realized I have Enlgish homework to do, I lost my science project, I got in trouble for handing in my Math project late and I can't find my DVD remote
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