Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up - Having enough petrol in the car to get me to work! :eek: I was running really, really low on it and I woke up so late that I didn't have enough time to get to the petrol station. There are no petrol stations on my way to work, so I would've had to go out of my way to get some. Luckily the petrol held out for me. It was a very risky thing to do actually, it could have been a lot worse. :lol:

Down - Being late for work! :eek:
^^ :eek: I know, I got stuck at temporary traffic lights, which held me up for about 15 minutes. If I'd realised I was going to be late for work anyway I would have stopped to get some petrol. :lol:
Up: Got a pay rise! Yay! :D And also, a couple of dishy customers who I fancy came in today :eek: :D

Down: Some weird and annoying customers also came in to my workplace - unfortunately, there's never any escaping those each Saturday.
Up: I talked with my good friend.. and we're cool.. honesty is most important in life.

Another up: I called one of my best friends.. she's the best in being there for me even somewhere during the night.

Down: I'm halway getting drunk (hey I can still type - when that fades, I'll get the hell out of here :lol:) but it also means that I get emotional and get too honest sometimes, so I start saying things that I actually don't want to say.. maybe it's not that a good idea to install Yahoo at my mum's laptop now.. :rolleyes:
Down: I'm a loner this weekend. :( I don't even have my roommates to hang out with because they went to BC for the weekend. I'm also SO bored I'm reading stupid fashion magazines.

Up: I get to watch the TV shows I want to watch and listen to music that I want to listen to without being yelled at this weekend.
^ohhh that sounds like my weekend: My bro came along last night, which was so cool, but it made me actually quite lonely today, cuz he left during noon.. so then I switched on my fave music (Anouk!! She rocks literally) and my neighbours didn't even phone me to switch it off :eek: YAY!! I love my neighbours!!

Down: All my neighbourhood knows I smoke (I bumped into all of 'em within 10 seconds last evening while having a smoke.. I even waved at them with the sig in my hand) I so don't hope they're going to tell my parents.

Another down: I'm actually quite a sad person.. I'm 23, live at home, I smoke and I'm scared shit to tell my parents.. well my mum.. my dad smokes as well so he can't really blame me.. :rolleyes:
Down: the pins and needles are back.

Up: Ich habe die neue Silbermond Cd gekauft. *runs off to listen to new cd*
UP : i just found out some extremely good news about my sister and i can tell you guys at the end of june!!

DOWN : one the friends in one of my classes is being picked on and its really upsetting her!
UP: I had today off from school because it's Memorial day and all weekend the weather has been perfect, but a little too humid.

Down: Haven't really had one all weekend.
Up: It was so windy and beautiful today so I blared Talk by Coldplay and basically sat on my deck daydreaming.

Down: I got yelled at for playing it too loud. And my brother keeps blaming me for things I didn't do D:
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