Ups and Downs for the Day

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UP: Got my property taxes paid for the year!!! :D
DOWN: Got a sinus headache that won't go away, Think it's allergies, can't stop sneezing either. :(
Down: I'm still fighting with roommates, I haven't started ANY of my homework and it's all due tomorrow and I lost my white gold ring.

Up: I don't have an up yet :(
Up: One of my friends I haven't talked to in years just found me online! Squee!

Down: No new episodes of the Daily show. *sniff*....
Down: No new episodes of the Daily show. *sniff*....

WHAT! WHY??? okay I am now in a very bad mood, why no more Jon? :(. wahhhhhh no new CSIs or Daily Show? That is all I watch :(. Okay so there is a down for ya

Up: ummmm I got in a whoe 5 min of a CSI today before the parents came home.
Up: A big one: I've been nominated for the Ontario Volunteer service award, :D :D :D :D I also WON a volunteer award from a company I work with, so it's been a god day, :D :D :D :D

Down: After the CSI finale, my life still hurts.
Major effin' down, I just tried to save CSI Miami on my TiVo and it said it couldn't get the channel and didn't record, while it was "Recording" I saw a few scenes.
Thanks, Outsider and Golden_Smile! :)

UP: Cake. :D

DOWN: Went to renew my license but their system was offline so I have to go back tomorrow. Now this wouldn't be a bad thing if I wasn't commuting and if it wasn't so HOT here!
Congrats George!! :D Hope you win it!

Up: Just looked at the pictures I took of the sky yesterday.. and they're so pretty.. the sky was really odd last evening..

Down: Need to prepare my presentation.. arghh.. but I keep doing other 'important' things.
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